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Arceus was the Pokemon who created the world and the first Pokemon in it Mew therefore Arceus came first but still leaving Mew the first Pokemon.

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Q: In Pokemon which Pokemon mew or Arceus came first in Pokemon world history?
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Who was the first Pokemon ever mede?

Arceus, soon Arceus created the world and all other pokemon.

In Pokemon which came first mew or Arceus?

Mew, mew was from a lower generation mew came first arceus did not create the world it created its home

What was the best Pokemon in he world?

The new pokemon, Arceus. Go to to find out more about arceus.

What pokemon is the best in the world?


The strongest Pokemon in the whole world?


Why is Arceus the best Pokemon in the world?

Actually no one knows who's the best Pokemon in the world. But they say Arceus, because he's the God of Pokemon and he is really strong in the game.

Who is the best Pokemon mew or Arceus?

This question is world-wide and it's about to be answered! Here it is: Both Mew and Arceus are EXTREMELY powerful, but one is the ancestor of all Pokemon (mew), because he can learn every move. The other is the King of all Pokemon (arceus) because he was the first Pokemon (you may know, top floor of the canalave library, the book titled the original one) and the Pokemon most powerful. But arceus can't learn all moves, he can only become all types of Pokemon. So to wrap this question and put it to an end, MEW=ancestor, and copier. ARCEUS=king, and first of all Pokemon ARCEUS=the best Pokemon!

Where do you find Arceus in the dream world?

Arceus can't be found in the dream world because it was released ONLY as an event pokemon

Is Arceus the most powerful Pokemon of the world?

Is arceus the most powerfulPokemon in the world? well in a way arceus's judgment attack can change type by given a plate so if the type is super effective would win in all Pokemon battles.

Which Pokemon is the strongest Arceus or Kyuren?

Arceus is generally picked to be stronger, because of how it created all of the Pokèmon world.

Who is Arseus?

Arceus is, inthe Pokemon world, the Pokemon who created the world. He is the last on the pokedex, 493, and has the ability Multitype

What is Arceus and the jewl of life?

Its a movie.It explains why Arceus created the Pokemon world,How it was betrayed.Three legendary Pokemon appear in it.Palkia,Giritina,and Dialga who is important in the Movie