Dark Void- foe:1(both in a double battle.)
Grass Whistle- foe:1
Hypnosis foe:1
Lovely Kiss- foe:1
Secret Power(Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause sleep when used in tall grass. Power:70)
Sing- foe:1
Sleep Powder- foe:1
Rest(The user falls asleep for 2 turns but also fully restores HP and status.)
Yawn(The opponent will fall asleep a turn after this move.)(Hit's ghost types.)
The Pokémon moves that will cause opponents to fall asleep would include Dark Void, Hypnosis, Grass Whitely, Lovely Kiss, Sleep Powder, Spore, Yawn and Dark Void is a move that will put multiple targets to sleep at the same time additionally the move of "Rest" can put the user to sleep in order to heal itself including the healing of any current status issues and it will wake up within two turns.
sleep powder catch a butter free and level it up afew times then it will try to learn sleep powder
Water Pokemon with water attacks or Grass Pokemon with Grass attacks
Well, you can't really. it matters on your pokemons speed and evaiseness. it happens randomly
Fire Pokemon
the Pokemon that is good angensti electric type is ground attacks or rock attacks. just get a Pokemon that can learn earthquake and use it on the electric or the fire type Pokemon.
The ability insomnia prevents the Pokemon(having insomnia) from falling asleep during a battle. U must have fought Pokemon who uses the moves like yawn or sleep powder or hypnosis which make your Pokemon sleep and so it cant fight until it awakes and is vulnerable to attacks!! However there are some moves which can be used by a sleeping Pokemon......but sorry that i forgot its name!!:p
throw a sleep seed at him and just pound him with power attacks
Hypnosis, sleep powder etc
The sleep attacks are about 10-20 minutes long
sleep powder catch a butter free and level it up afew times then it will try to learn sleep powder
Water Pokemon with water attacks or Grass Pokemon with Grass attacks
You can't "make sure" you catch a Pokemon. If you were any good at this game you would catch Pokemon yourself, put it to sleep or something.
Balbasaur is good because u can use sleep powder to make others sleep and gives u time to attack
There are 18 Fire Attacks in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum.
You're thinking of an attack, not a Pokemon. Attacks are used in Pokemon battles to battle an opponent's Pokemon, while Pokemon use these attacks.
dragon Pokemon are weak against ice attacks as well as dragon type attacks.
Well, you can't really. it matters on your pokemons speed and evaiseness. it happens randomly