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the Pokemon that is good angensti electric type is ground attacks or rock attacks. just get a Pokemon that can learn earthquake and use it on the electric or the fire type Pokemon.

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Q: What types of Pokemon are good against electric Pokemon?
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What are good against electric Pokemon?

The best type of Pokemon against electric types are ground type Pokemon Hope it helped!

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The best type of Pokemon against electric types are ground type Pokemon Hope it helped!

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Grass and Electric types

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Zubat is a Flying and Poison type pokemon so Rock types, Electric types, Ice types, and Psychic types would be great against it.

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Electric Type Pokemon are effective against the following types:WaterFlying

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Fire and fighting type moves are super effective against Ice type pokemon.

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Ground types are great against electric types so find yourself a decent ground type Pokemon and train it a bit then use it.

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* Electric * Ice * Rock Go visit

What type of Pokemon is good against electric type?

Ground is currently the only weakness of Electric. Rock types, Dragon types, and Pokémon with the abilities Lightningrod and Volt Absorb are good as well.

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Electric Pokemon, and Grass Pokemon are good against water

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Earth and water Pokemon are good against electric Pokemon.

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