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You will need to complete the Hoenn PokéDex then go talk to Professor Birch and he will give you the option of picking Cyndaquil, Chikorita or Totodile.

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Q: What PokeDex do you finish to get Cyndaquil in Emerald?
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How do you get a cyndaquil on Pokemon Ruby and sapphire?

You can't catch Cyndaquil in the wild on Pokemon Ruby but if you have a friend with action replay or if you have it then you can probably get it. Or just trade somebody who has him. sorry. :) i do know how u can get cyndaquil it's like a starter Pokemon but it's in emerald u have 2 finish ur 1st pokedex and then birch will cal u on poknav and u get it when u get at i think little root? iderno i only got sapphire

What happens if you complete your Hoenn Pokedex in Pokemon Emerald?

You should have completed the nat dex. This gives you the chance to get Chicorita, cyndaquil, or totadile. You can only get one. MAKE A GOOD CHOICE :)

Is there anyway to finish th Hoenn dex without catching them all in Pokemon emerald?

no way except you found a gameshark code to finish the pokedex, some Pokemon can't be found in emerald, you have torade them from ruby or sapphire

How do you get a cyndaquil in platinum?

what you do is complete your sinnoh pokedex get the national dex then talk to dawns little sister and eventualy she will tell you where a cyndaquil is. hope i helped

How do you catch Cyndaquil in Pokemon Diamond?

You can't catch it in Pokemon Diamond or Pearl. You have to transfer it via Pal Park from Pokemon Emerald, Leaf Green, or Fire Red. Before you do this, however, you need to have a national Pokedex in both games, and have a Cyndaquil in the GBA game. This is somebody else. I know theres an action replay code to get cyndaquil in diamond becuz i have chikorita ad totodile.

Related questions

What are the Pokemon you get after completeing your pokedex?

In emerald if you complete the pokedex you can get Chikorita, Cyndaquil and Totodoile from prof birch.

What can do after complete pokedex emerald?

You can get a cyndaquil or a chikorita or a totodile u can choose any one of them

Can you catch cindaquil in emerald?

Cyndaquil is a starter pokemon from Johto. It cannot be caught. If you complete the entire Hoenn Pokedex, Professor Birch will give you to option to choose between Cyndaquil, Chikorita, or Totodile. That's the only way to get Cyndaquil in Emerald.

What is the code for getting Cyndiquil in Emerald?

after completing ur hoenn pokedex, professor birch will let u choose chikorita, cyndaquil, or totodile. then u can just get cyndaquil.

After completing pokedex in Pokemon Emerald?

You can get a diploma! You can also get a johto starter: totodile chikorita or cyndaquil. Choose wiseley.

How do you get a cynaquil in Pokemon Emerald?

finish your pokedex and talk to the professor

What pokedex do you have to fill to get cyndaquil in FireRed?

To get a cyndaquil u must trade one from Pokemon emerald or Pokemon xd gale of darkness or breed the purified quilava from Pokemon colosseum

What is the national pokedex number for Cyndaquil?

Cyndaquil is #155 in the national pokedex, and it is a Fire type Pokemon.

What will happen if you finish the Pokemon frontier in Pokemon emerald?

finish of game xD if you completed the pokedex clear

How do you get a cyndaquil on Pokemon Ruby and sapphire?

You can't catch Cyndaquil in the wild on Pokemon Ruby but if you have a friend with action replay or if you have it then you can probably get it. Or just trade somebody who has him. sorry. :) i do know how u can get cyndaquil it's like a starter Pokemon but it's in emerald u have 2 finish ur 1st pokedex and then birch will cal u on poknav and u get it when u get at i think little root? iderno i only got sapphire

How do you get Cydaquil in emerald?

after you finish your pokedex prof.oak lets you choose between a totdile,cydaquil,or a chickorita

How do you get typhlosion in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can either trade Quilava from Coliseum and evolve it, or complete the Hoenn pokedex in Emerald and receive Cyndaquil from Prof. Elm and trade it over and evolve it.