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Okay, the last person was an idiot. I don't think you can, but Fire Red and Leaf Green did not come out before Ruby and Sapphire.

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Q: Can Pokemon silver trade with ruby or sapphire?
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Can you trade Pokemon from silver and gold to ruby or sapphire?

No, you cannot

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you have to trade him from soul silver or migrate him from Sapphire ruby or emerald.

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trade them from Ruby, Emerald, or Sapphire, or... trade them from a friend, or... get them from the GTS.

What can trade with Pokemon Sapphire?

You can trade with another sapphire, ruby, emerald, firered, leafgreen, Pokemon colosseum, Pokemon xd gale of darkness and Pokemon box ruby and sapphire.

Pokemon LeafGreen what does ruby use for?

Combined with the sapphire the ruby and sapphire will allow you to trade with ruby and sapphire and emerald.

Can you trade Pokemon from gold silver or crystal to Pokemon ruby Sapphire fire red or leaf green?

Nope. sorry

Why can you not trade from Pokemon ruby to Pokemon sapphire?

You can,but you have to have a connector.

How get sapphire and ruby on Pokemon FireRed?

trade trade trade

Were do you get a mawile in sapphire?

You have get Pokemon ruby and then get it and trade it to Pokemon sapphire. hope i helped!!!

When are you able to trade from Pokemon emerald to fire red?

You can do this after you find the Ruby and the Sapphire for Celio in Pokemon FireRed. then you can trade with Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald.

Why do you need the ruby and Sapphire gems in firered?

SO that you can trade with POKeMON sapphire and ruby.