The HM that you get after the fourth gym in Pokémon is surf. This is a move that can be learned by various Pokémon in the game.
You beat Chuck, the 4th gym leader, in Cianwood city. After you beat him, leave the gym. His wife will come up to you and give the HM to you.
The 6th gym (Steel type) does not unlock any new HM , instead the 16th Gym (Blue's Gym) unlocks Rock Climb
u get to use certain HM's once u beat the gym leaders
After you beat the 4th, grass, gym you can go to the middle house in the bottom right of the city and grab a vulpix from the lady in there. If you check the Vulpix, it has HM 04, strength, as a held item
To make fantina (hearthormes gym Leader) appear you have to get the hm surf before you challenge the gym leader. To get the hm you have to go to celistec town and talk to a old lady and she says to battle a galactic guy and you have to go in the ruin and she will go in to and she will give you the hm and the gym leader will appear.
You have to ask your mom for it after the 4th gym badge
in Celadon city, you need the HM "cut" to access it.
after beating a certain gym leader after beating the 4th gym leader aka vermillian
You beat Chuck, the 4th gym leader, in Cianwood city. After you beat him, leave the gym. His wife will come up to you and give the HM to you.
HM Waterfall
In Pokemon Blue, the fourth gym a player may battle is in Celadon City. One of the player's Pokemon must know the HM Cut in order to access the gym which is a Grass-type gym.
Here is the full list.Gym Leader 1: Roark: Oreburgh City Gym Leader. >HM: Rock smashGym Leader 2: Gardenia: Eterna City Gym Leader. >HM: CutGym Leader 3: Maylene: Veilstone City Gym Leader. >HM: FlyGym Leader 4: Crasher Wake: Pastoria City Gym Leader.>HM: FogGym Leader 5: Fantina: Hearthome City Gym Leader. >HM: SurfGym Leader 6: Byron: Canalave City Gym Leader.>HM: StrengthGym Leader 7: Candice: Snowpoint City Gym Leader>HM: Rock ClimbGym Leader 8: Volkner: Sunyshore City Gym Leader >HM: Warterfall
The Gym Leader that allows you to use the HM move Strength in Pokemon FireRed is Erika. Erika is the Gym Leader of Celadon City and is the 4th Gym Leader the player faces.
defog is the third usable hm after you beat fantina, the hearthome gym leader.
The 6th gym (Steel type) does not unlock any new HM , instead the 16th Gym (Blue's Gym) unlocks Rock Climb
Beat the Cianwood Gym leader, Chuck. Then a woman will apper when you leave the gym and give you the HM.
u get to use certain HM's once u beat the gym leaders