You can't.
All you have to do is beat gym leaders then the allow you to use HM's out of battle but ether before or after battling the gym leader. Good Luck!
In Pokemon series, you generally find HMs soon before or right after you beat gym leaders.
In Pokémon FireRed, for defeating Brock, his Badge will allow you the use of the Flash HM, Misty's Badge will allow you to use the Cut HM, Lt. Surge's Badge will allow you the use of the Fly HM, Erika's Badge will allow you the use of the Strength HM and Koga's Badge will allow you the use of the Surf HM.
HMs are these type of technique for a Pokemon to learn. You see those trees blocking some ways? You need the HM01(CUT) to cut those trees. But to be able to get those HMS you must defeat some of the Gym Leaders, like Brock and Misty. For example, Brock will give you the availability to give you HM05 FLASH (like a flashlight), but the one who will give you the CD (HMs are like a CD), is one of Professor Oak's Aides. You must catch at least 10 Pokemon, so he can give you that HM05 as the reward. And etc and etc,
You have to beat all the gym leaders..
You can't.
All you have to do is beat gym leaders then the allow you to use HM's out of battle but ether before or after battling the gym leader. Good Luck!
In Pokemon series, you generally find HMs soon before or right after you beat gym leaders.
he is in mt silver but you need to have beaten the 16 gym leaders defeated the elite 4 and you need the hms rock climb and surf
What's cool is that, the shinoh pokedex is longer, so it would take a lot more time till you get the natinal Pokedex than Diamond or Pearl. The gyms are harder, And you will have to sarch for the HMs (hidden moves) The gym leaders don't give it to you as in Diamond or Pearl. Platimum is way harder that's what's cool. From: Top Pokemon ranger Hope the advise helped!
there is no dive on pokemon pearl.. they have other hms instead(:
There are only 8 HMs....
Hidden Moves or HMs can be deleted using the Move Deleter in Canalave City
Yes go to Canalave City
there are 92 tms and there are 08 HMS