In Pokemon series, you generally find HMs soon before or right after you beat gym leaders.
There is no HM Dive in either Pokemon Silver/Gold or Heartgold/SoulSilver. It is exclusive to the Hoenn games.
You can find Waterfall in the Dark Cave.
You can find HM Strength south of Soleacon Town at the top of the Lost Tower. One of 2 ladies at the top gifts you with this.
You can find the HM strength at the top of the lost tower south of solaceon town :)
Teach the HM Strength to one of your Pokemon and use Strength on the boulders
Walk east of Ecruteak to fin a hiker who gives it to you.
There is no HM Dive in either Pokemon Silver/Gold or Heartgold/SoulSilver. It is exclusive to the Hoenn games.
You have to find the safari zone wardens teeth. give it to him and you get strength
In Pokemon Liquid Crystal, you can obtain HM Strength by defeating the Sootopolitan Gym Leader. After defeating the Gym Leader, he will give you the HM as a reward for your victory.
You don't you have to use an Hm on a Pokemon
In a building north of the Pokemon Center in Nimbasa.
you find it in the Ice Path
Use the HM Strength.
HM 1=Cut HM 2=Fly HM 3=Surf HM 4=Strength HM 5=Flash HM 6=Whirlpool HM 7=Waterfall
a guy in nimbasa city