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Go east from Saffron or south from lavender until the place where snorlax is sleeping. Then travel further south from that spot (make sure to get rid of snorlax first) until you see a house. Enter and talk to the fisher there. Say you like fishing. he will give you the super rod.

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Q: Were could you find a super rod in Pokemon fire red?
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No. Ghost and Dark is super effective to Psychic Pokemon. Fire is super effective to Grass, Steel, Bug, and Ice.

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Super effective occurs when you are fighting a Pokemon that is a different element than you that gives you a bonus hit. This element has to be the other pokemons weakness. An example would be water Pokemon vs fire Pokemon, the water Pokemon would have a super effect on the fire Pokemon however, the fire Pokemon won't be as super effective.

Can you find shellder with a super rod?

No you can't but you are able to trade it from Pokemon fire red or leaf green

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codejunkies or super. pick supercheats!

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usually,in a dungeon if you find a kelcleon shop.Or you could trade from Pokemon ex of time/darkness.

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use a super rod in the ponds or you could get it at the game corner at celadon city

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Water, rock, and ground type are all super effective against fire type pokemon.

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Fuego IronworksUltimoz: I asked this question and by where can you find lots of fire Pokemon i ment where can you find lots of wildfire Pokemon!