Water, rock, and ground type are all super effective against fire type pokemon.
Ground is super-effective against electricGround type pokemon.
Grass and water are best, as is ground.
It's own kind (dragon or gohst)
rock or ground
Grass or Lightning
Ground is super-effective against electricGround type pokemon.
Ground type moves are effective against electricity
Not currently maybe in the 5th Generation
Magikarp, everyone should know that. oh, any weak and suckish pokemon that isn't very effective against espeon. tah-da.
Water, Ground, and Rock are all good against fire-type Pokemon. Quagsire is a personal favourite against fire types. Just don't use Bug, Steel, Grass or Ice.
Fighting type pokemon are weak against psychic attacks
Any kind of Grass and Electric pokemon.
fire-type pokemon.
any pokemon can beat a psychic pokemon if used well enough in battle, but the types of moves that are super effective against psychic types are bug dark ghost in generation 1 (red, blue, yellow) bug type moves were the ones super effective against psychics, while ghost type moves do not effect psychic types at all.
Grass and water are best, as is ground.