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route 203 (mass outbreak).

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Q: Were can you find Cubone in Pokemon Platinum?
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Where can you find Cubone in Pokemon platinum?

Cubone is a swarm Pokemon that you can learn what route it is one by going to Lucas's little sister in Sandgem in the southeast house. There is one swarm a day and its different each day.

In Pokemon platinum when does cu-bone evolve?

Cubone evolves into Marowack at level 28 in ALL Pokemon games.

Where to find cubone in Pokemon ruby?

You have to trade a Cubone from Leaf Green or Fire Red.

Were to find Cubone in Pokemon Emerald?


Where can you find Cubone in Pokemon LeafGreen?

in Pokemon tower btw i LOVE Pokemon

Were can you find m 38 in Pokemon Yellow?

cubone have it

Were do you find Cubone in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Seven island.

Where do you get cubone in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Cubone can be found in the Pokemon Tower (aka Lavender Tower) in Lavender Town. There is a 5%-14% of finding a cubone depending on which floor you are on. 24 is the highest level that you will find them. In the Japanese version of Pokemon blue, cubone can only be obtained through trading.

How do you get Cubone in platinum?

There is an easy method to catch cubone. Just simply fly over to sandgem town and talk to Dawn's sister. She will tell you where to find certain Pokemon on different routes. When you get to the location, use the pokeradar to find it quicker. NOTE: You need the national pokedex Hope this helped :)

Where can you catch a marowak in Pokemon platinum?

Marowak cannot be caught in the wild in Pokemon Platinum. You'll need to capture a Cubone, which can be caught in Route 203 when there's a swarm of Cubone. (You'll need to talk to Lucas'/Dawn's sister in Sandgem Town) When it is captured, you can evolve it into a Marowak at level 28.

Where to find Cubone in Pokemon HeartGold?

you go to the marsh area

How do you evolve a Cubone on platinum?
