To get the move volt tackle you need a pichu, picachu or a riachu holding a light ball then mate it with one of the Pokemon i just said but opposite sex or a ditto the bingo you have a pichu with volt tackle.
Electivire cannot learn Volt Tackle in Pokemon HeartGold. Only pichu, pikachu, and raichu can learn volt tackle.
pichu can so can pikcachu a rachiu
You can only get Volt Tackle by breeding Pikachu or Raichu with the Light Ball item attached to them however 1 of them has to be a female Pikachu or Raichu so that they can lay a Pichu Egg that will know Volt Tackle when it hatches.
you will need to breed a female pikachu or raichu that holds a light ball with a compatible pokemon. the egg will be a pichu that has volt tackle.
It is not possible. Pikachu with Volt Tackle can only be obtained through Battle Revolution, unless you can find someone with Volt Tackle already and breed it.
The only Pokemon I know of that can learn Volt Tackle is Pichu, Pikachu, and Raichu, and the only way to have them learn it is to breed a Pichu, Pikachu, or Raichu that is holding a Light Ball with a compatible Pokemon or Ditto. The offspring Pichu will know Volt Tackle. Hope this helped!
No, only in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl and Emerald/Ruby/Sapphire.
Electivire cannot learn Volt Tackle in Pokemon HeartGold. Only pichu, pikachu, and raichu can learn volt tackle.
it could be spark thunder bolt volt tackle thunder wave deffinetly!
YesBut not directly. You would have to breed a Pichu with volt tackle, then raise it into a Raichu. To get a volt tackle Pichu, first you would need a light ball (which can be found on wild Pikachu,) and either a Raichu or a Pikachu*. Have that Pokemon hold the light ball, then put it in the daycare with a breedable Pokemon and have it lay an egg. The Pichu in the egg should have Volt tackle.*I think the Pikachu/Raichu either has to be male, or has to be breeded with a ditto for this to work.
you cannot teach him volt tackle. I had a pikachu lv.100 and it never learned Volt tackle.
Volt Tackle is an egg move that only a pichu can learn... srry. ^_^If you want a Pokemon with volt tackle breed a female pikachu with a light orb with any compatible Pokemon the pichu should know volt tackle .
Only pikachu, pichu and raichu can learn volt tackle or other Pokemon by Nintendo events
You need to find the light ball and give it to the pikachu you are breeding. The baby pichu will know the move. Evolve that pokemon.