yes you can have babies
Okay first you need to have Sims 2 Apartment, it doesn't matter if you don't have Sims 2 Pets, as I discovered. Then create a family. 1. Move you'r family into an apartment. Make sure you have two pets in your family. 2. type in "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" [without "] and drag your pets' relationships up for one enother. 3. Make sure you have a dog house. Make one of you'e Sims selectable and click on one pet. Then click try for offspring with... and click on the other pets name. within 3 days your pets should give birth. Hope I helped.
Yes you can. Simpky come reallllllly close to a guy with a pet and if your pets get along you will both have a better realtionship. I have a boyfriend in it and its fun seeing our pets bond as well. :) hope this helps!!!
You need to start the game, then to unlock a code you raise a pet then go to the bottom bar click on the wireless button then a button that has a computer to view the petz codes petZ don't forget petZ not petS!
type cash for $10,000
on the Nintendo ds you can type in cash in the cheatcodes part and you get 10,000 simoleans
Bunnies are apartment pets
No, pets are generally not allowed to visit a no-pet apartment.
no u can not
The codes are the pets name.
In a Ds an Action Replay is when you restart the game from the beginning and you have everything you had in the end.Example: lets say you get a lvl 1 knight in the beginning, you finish the game and get lots of weapons, levels and friend for him so hes a lvl 200 knight with a Lance and has 2 pets in the end. Then when you click action replay, you restart the game with all those stuff
Sims 2 Apartment Life is for PC, but Apartment Pets is only on Nintendo DS as far as I'm concerned.
yes you can in a way. You can buy the sims 2 pets and apartment life and you can put them together by mushing them and there you have it. that's how you get sims 2 pets in sims 2 apartment life.
you cant have your own pets but you can take care of other pets.
Check with the apartment management. Many do not allow pets or limit pets. Usually, there is also a cost with an additional pet fee.
the best is sims2seasons