ludicolio cause he is water and grass ludicolo is because he can heal himself with raindish ability.
my chose lanturn
It would be best, in my opinion, to just evolve it into Ludicolo. The physical Pokemon is more important then one move.
In Pokemon Sapphire, there is only one trainer in the game that has a Ludicolo. To find her go to Victory Road and search around everywhere and you will find a pokmeon trainer that has a Nosepass LV 42, Ludicolo LV42 and Medicham LV42.
1. blood No one really knows how many words we can TECHNICALLY make with our hands, but blood is one of them.
Scizor is better at attack but I personally think Togekiss is better.
my chose lanturn
It would be best, in my opinion, to just evolve it into Ludicolo. The physical Pokemon is more important then one move.
bubblebeam is the best move for starmie DUMB LOSER!!!!That's one move idiot!! Want a MOVESET? here: -Surf -Ice beam/Blizzard -Thunderbolt/Thunder -Psychic So...much...BETTER!!!!!!!!!Thankyou!!!
Technically, but a better way to put it would be, "We always have options."
In Pokemon Sapphire, there is only one trainer in the game that has a Ludicolo. To find her go to Victory Road and search around everywhere and you will find a pokmeon trainer that has a Nosepass LV 42, Ludicolo LV42 and Medicham LV42.
You can't find it in the Sinnoh region, you have to migrate one from Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald.
You can't catch Ludicolo in the wild at all. To get one, use a Water Stone on Lombre.
Ludicolo is a dual type Pokémon, it's a water and grass Pokémon. It's the evolution of Lombre, so, to get one in the Pearl version of the games, it's necessary to get a Lombre first and then to expose it to a water stone, to make it evolve to Ludicolo.
Technically, your marriage status should not affect your job prospects unless it is a stated requirement.
Yes technically he was a one it wonder.
I'm not sure of them all, but Eevee -> Vaporeon is one and I think Lombre -> Ludicolo is another. x
A Lombre can only evolve into Ludicolo if you use a Water Stone. If you don't use one, you'll just get a very powerful Lombre.