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well as what you need to do, is to get the cheat bar up and type in boolProp testingCheatsEnabledtrue then go to the relationship bar. righ click and press shift nd drag it up.. hppy simmingg ..:)

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Q: On the sims 2 when I try to drag the relationship meter up its not working how do you get it to work?
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Does it has cheatcodes for sims to get married?

if you have the cheatcode boolprop testingcheatsenabled true then you can drag the friendship meter to make sims love eachother then they propose and get married on command from you

Romance on Sims 3?

well there is also a cheat testingcheatsenabled true that means you can just drag the relationship meter up or down. however on my game the romance option for one sim has completely dissapeared so be carefull when using the cheat

I went on sims 2 and some how i could drag the relationship meters and things like that but i went on sims 3 and i coulnt what went wroung?

In Sims 2 you must have used a cheat or something, so you need to do that cheat on Sims 3.

How do you move the relationship bar on sims 2?

Use boolprop testingcheatsenabled true. Then exit the lot and re-enter. After that, just click and drag.

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if it is something you can drag, then open your sims inventory, then roll over the item. if it has a hand, then click and darg. if not, you can't drag it.

Is there a cheat to make your sims fall in love on The Sims 3?

Just type in ctrl+c then once you have the cheatbox opened, type: TestingCheatsEnabled true then go to your sims relationship status with the other sim and drag it up, it's very delicate so you have to grab it perfectly to drag it, so it may take a few tries.

How do you change relationships on sims 3 within The Sims houshold?

Yes, you can. First, pull up the cheat box. (Ctrl-Shift-C) Then, type in 'testingCheatsEnabled true'. Then, manually drag the relationship bars to the desired position.

How do you drag the relationship bar up in the Sims 2?

Press ctrl+shift+c Type testingcheatsenabled true in the box Drag up the relationships bar If it doesn't go up hold down shift while dragging

What is the cheat to mas your sims stats - sims 2 PC?

boolprop then drag it along

How do you move up your relationships in the sims 2 PC?

You could type in the following (without the quotation marks) in neighbourhood before you enter a family. "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" and when you go onto your family, you click on the sim you want, then relationships, and then just drag the green relationship (Underneath the sims picture),and adjust it depending on how you want their relationship to be. ** You have to do this for both sims for them to become friends, or lovers, etc. Good luck :)

Sims 3 health cheats?

On the loading screen type in " testingcheatsenabled true " and start up your game like usual. Then, go to your sims needs. Drag the health bars to fully full, and if it does`nt work and you have your game on pause, unpause it. Then it should be working!

How can you make your sims the color black on The Sims three?

When you're making your sims you can choose their skin color, then just drag it to the darkest one you want.