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Press ctrl+shift+c

Type testingcheatsenabled true in the box

Drag up the relationships bar

If it doesn't go up hold down shift while dragging

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Q: How do you drag the relationship bar up in the Sims 2?
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On the sims 2 when I try to drag the relationship meter up its not working how do you get it to work?

well as what you need to do, is to get the cheat bar up and type in boolProp testingCheatsEnabledtrue then go to the relationship bar. righ click and press shift nd drag it up.. hppy simmingg ..:)

What is the cheat to make sims get married on The Sims 2?

Well First, your Sims will need a high relationship with the 2 Sim's First, when playing the game, press Ctrl+Shift+and c, that will come up with a cheat box. Then type in boolprop testingCheatsenabled true and press enter. Then go to the part where you can see the relationships and you can drag the green bar all the way to the end until ur sims get a high relationship. If u want to get married to a townie, then hold shift and click on the townie, then click selectable, then do the same with the green bar with the townie. There u go!

Is there a cheat to make your sims fall in love on The Sims 3?

Just type in ctrl+c then once you have the cheatbox opened, type: TestingCheatsEnabled true then go to your sims relationship status with the other sim and drag it up, it's very delicate so you have to grab it perfectly to drag it, so it may take a few tries.

Sims 2 cheats to get your sims bar green?

Bring up the cheat bar and type in maxmotives, it will refresh all of the Sims needs.

How do you change relationships on sims 3 within The Sims houshold?

Yes, you can. First, pull up the cheat box. (Ctrl-Shift-C) Then, type in 'testingCheatsEnabled true'. Then, manually drag the relationship bars to the desired position.

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On the sims 2 when I try to drag the relationship meter up its not working how do you get it to work?

well as what you need to do, is to get the cheat bar up and type in boolProp testingCheatsEnabledtrue then go to the relationship bar. righ click and press shift nd drag it up.. hppy simmingg ..:)

How do you make your sim in the sims 3 PC a 5 star celeberty?

Make friends with celebrities in your town and make sure you keep your relationships with all the sims you know A quick way to do this is to type CTRL, SHFT, C (in that order) and a white bar should come up at the top of your screen. type 'TestingCheatsEnabled True' exactly like that into the bar and press enter. This unlocks a whole load of cheats you can play around with. if you go onto your friend list you can click and drag the relationship bar under a sims picture. The further up you drag the bar, the higher the relationship your sim has with that person. I f you bring up your relationship with all the celebrities you know then you'll be one too! hope this helps!

How do you get your relationship at level 70 in the sims?

Its easy. Go to the neighbourhood page. veronaville etc... hold Ctrl+Shift+C. a little white box will appear type in, "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" (exactly like that without speech marks) go into the lot you want to get the high relationship on. click the sim, then the relationship panel and you should be able to drag the relationship bar up and down! you also need to do this on the sim you want to get a high relationship with. so then, Shift and click on that sim and click MAKE SELECTABLE. then they should pop up with all your other sims in the sims list. click them and drag their relationship bar up too. to get rid of them from the list, Shift and click again on that sim and then click, make unselectable. Hope I helped. Reply if you need help :) :)

How can you drag up the environment bar on the sims 2?

You can't. The only way to get the environment need higher is to add more decorative objects to your Sim's home, or make your Sims clean up.

How do you get a sim to be friends with another sim?

All you have to do is get them to talk or hang out...but a faster method, which I prefer, means you: shift-click on the other Sim, click "make selectable"(ONLY if you have the boolprop cheat enabled) drag the relationship bar to however high you wanted, (ONLY works with boolprop enabled) then make unselectable...then drag your own Sims relationship bar up and they can BFF's within seconds.I hope I didn't confuse you or anything!

Is there a cheat for getting a boyfriend without doing all the romantic stuff on the Sims 3 for PC?

You can put in the 'testingcheatsenabled true' cheat and then drag the relationship bar up on the sim you want to be your boyfriend, and then when the relationship between them is on 100 you can ask them to go steady after flirting a couple of times. Hope this helped :)

What is the cheat to make sims get married on The Sims 2?

Well First, your Sims will need a high relationship with the 2 Sim's First, when playing the game, press Ctrl+Shift+and c, that will come up with a cheat box. Then type in boolprop testingCheatsenabled true and press enter. Then go to the part where you can see the relationships and you can drag the green bar all the way to the end until ur sims get a high relationship. If u want to get married to a townie, then hold shift and click on the townie, then click selectable, then do the same with the green bar with the townie. There u go!

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you get to a high relationship with the dog, and make sure it has a high relationship with the dog you want it to have puppies with (boolProp testingcheatsenabled true then drag up relationship bar, then go false). then make them have sex. SIMPLE

Is there a cheat to make your sims fall in love on The Sims 3?

Just type in ctrl+c then once you have the cheatbox opened, type: TestingCheatsEnabled true then go to your sims relationship status with the other sim and drag it up, it's very delicate so you have to grab it perfectly to drag it, so it may take a few tries.

How do you go up a level on the sims 3?

You need cheats, which the one this requires is testingcheatsenabled true. Type it as it is here. So you then go to 'carrer' on the sim panel and see the job expperoence bar. Since you enabled cheats you should be able to drag it up and to get to lvl 10 you drag it up ten times. Drag it up completely.

Sims 2 cheats to get your sims bar green?

Bring up the cheat bar and type in maxmotives, it will refresh all of the Sims needs.

How do you change relationships on sims 3 within The Sims houshold?

Yes, you can. First, pull up the cheat box. (Ctrl-Shift-C) Then, type in 'testingCheatsEnabled true'. Then, manually drag the relationship bars to the desired position.