Regirock: stone edge, hyper beam, shockwave, focus punch
Regice: ice beam, zap cannon, focus punch,
Registell: iron head, flash cannon
It depends on the level, moves and nature. But if they're all the same, its registeel
What you must realize is the fact that Regice is a pro in special defence and amazing in special attack. So use special attack moves. I would recommend: -Ice beam -Thunderbolt -Focus Blast -Ancient Power
it can learn Grass and Psychic moves
No.Magikarp cannot learn any TM moves if it evolves into gyarados then gyarados can learn TM moves and HM moves too. I Hope i helped you!
Magikarp can't learn any TM moves.
Any Pokémon is great for the Battle Tower if it is high enough level and has good moves.
(Diamond verson) I found: nevermeltice (boosts ice-type moves) sneasel onix steelex graveler and a statue, at the bottom, that needs... a body of ice, a body of steel, and a body of rock to bring forth the king. I haven't yet done it out, but research tells me you need to have regice, regirock, and registeel in your party to try to capure the lvl 70 regigas. (You need all 3 regis to get regigigas) I might have found other items and all the Pokemon listed are at least above lvl 50. you can find the snowpoint temple noth of the gym in snowpoint city. The regies are Regice Regirock Registeel
i would be able to answer it if i wanted to but i dont sorry i cant help but if you have a regirock i would like it please.
Most Pokemon are capable of learning egg moves except for Legendary Pokemon such as the Kanto Birds; Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres, Mewtwo, the Legendary Beasts of Johto; Raikou, Entei and Suicune, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Regigigas, Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Mesprit, Azelf, Uxie, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Heatran, Cresselia and Mythical Pokemon such as Mew, Celebi, Deoxys, Jirachi, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, Manaphy, Victini, Meloetta, Keldeo, Genesect, Diancie and Hoopa.
This is probably the hardest thing to do in Pokemon xd gale of darkness what you need is the legendaries that can enter the orre colosseum they are: Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos, Raikou, Suicune, Entei, Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Latios, Latias all of these except the birds must be traded to Xd from firered or leafgreen and ruby, sapphire or emerald. Using the legendaries you should be able to win just teach them really good moves like Earthquake, ice beam, thunderbolt, psychic, flamethrower and other moves like that. If you fail to win you may need a non legendary pack memorize the opponents Pokemon and use type matchups to your advantage by training Pokemon that can beat those Pokemon.
Regice can learn Blizzard(YOU have to teach him it with a tm. You can buy it at the lilycove department store on floor 3) Zap Cannon(level 49) Ice Beam There is a few, you can learn the rest!Right on! (Go to for more info on pokemon!)
you get it at an upcoming toys r us event from mar. 8-21. When you transfer it to platinum it will unlock three places where you can get the three regi: Regirock, Regice, Registeel It is at level 100 Moves: Crush Grip, Iron Head, Icy Wind, Rock Slide Held in a Cherish Ball Hold Item: Custap Berry (makes first move in a pinch)
Migrate the three Regis or enter this code and go to the fossil restorer (press L+R):94000130 fcff0000b21c4d28 00000000boooooo4 0000000010001170 000001e6d2000000 00000000It starts at level 20 though.AnswerGet all 3 original Regis, then go to Snowpoint Temple with them in your party and awaken him.AnswerMigrate Regice, Regirock and Registeel to your Pokemon Diamond version. With them in your party, travel to Snowpoint City and try to enter the Snowpoint Temple. Before you migrated the Regis, you were not allowed inside, but now Candice allows you to enter.Navigate your way to the bottom floor of the temple where Regigigas lies. It is surrounded by slippery ice which you must skillfully manouvre over in order to confront it. Speak to the Regigigas and it will awaken and start a battle in which you may capture it.Find Regirock,Regiice,Registeel and talk to regigigas ,then he awakes and you catch ityou need to beat the Pokemon league then go to snowpoint city and have all the regis(get them from emerald) go to the temple, go to the bottom and save in front of him. in platinum he is lvl 1 but in diamond/pearl he is lvl 70. hope i helped :)regigigas is at the bottom of the snow temple. to awaken him you must have regirock, registeel and regice with you. save the game before you battle him, so you can start over if you need to. for which pokeballs to use, if you have one, a masterball. but if you don't, i caugh mine with a dusk ball.well first you have to beat the Elite Four, second get the Sinnoh Pokedex,third you must have Regirock,Regice and Registeel, and the last you have to do is go to snowpoint city go to snowpoint temple speak with the girl and BINGO go inside
It depends on the level, moves and nature. But if they're all the same, its registeel
Okay, first of all you need a Wailord (Lv. 40 evolution of Wailmer), and a Relicanth. Relicanth can be found underwater in the grass around the cave where Sootopolis City is. This will take a while, but i guarantee you will find one. Wailmer can be found either by surfing or, usually, by fishing. When you fish, use a Good Rod or a Super Rod. Trust me, it works. Also, make sure one of your Pokemon knows "Dig, Surf, and Dive." After you're all set with that, go to Pacifidilog Town. Go ALL the way to the right and surf. Stick to near the bottom until you pass two islands. The third one is tricky. You go to about the middle on the right side. Now, surf again. You SHOULD end up at a dark spot where you can use "Dive." If done incorrectly, you will end up in Slateport City. Go under water and head down. Go up when you see the braille (The dots on a big rock). You have entered the Seafloor Cavern. Now keep walking forward until you come to the other side. There should be more braille(the dots). Now you use "Dig" and the door will open to the next room. Go all the way to the other side again and the braille will actually read, "FIRST COMES WAILORD LAST COMES RELICANTH." Now this is very simple. Put Wailord first in your party and Relicanth last. The next door should open up. Now three new caves have appeared all over Hoenn where Registeel, Regirock, and Regice are now. Registeel is on Route 120 in the Ancient, Regirock is on Route 111 in the Desert Ruins, and Regice is on Route 105 in the Island Cave. To get Regice, go to Dewford town then surf until you see the small island with the trees and the hiker. Go on the island. It divides up the water. Go to the left side and surf up. You will enter the cave. Go read the sign. Then starting from left, walk all around the cave's edges and only the edges. Then it will open. There will be a level 40 Regice. It's moves are curse, superpower, ice wind and charge-beam or ancient power. The last 2 moves depends on what level your wailord and relicanth are. Keep on using ultra balls. Have over 25 ultra balls, 15 great balls and 15 timer balls. Only use the timer balls after it has been 20 turns or more. Do not give it a nickname because if you want to migrate to pearl or diamond you must have regice, regirock and registeel, if your going to get reggigigas. They have to have there original names or they will not be considered regirock, regice or registeel. To get registeel in emerald, go to the center of the cave and use flash and the second cave to open registeel. To get regirock, go straight to the middle of the of the braille wall click on it and then go left, left, down, down, and then use rock-smash and the second cave to regirock will open. (Do not do the same for ruby and sapphire they are different.) and for regice sometimes u need to go around twice but on the inside of the cave.
In Pokémon Sapphire, the moves that the ice-type Pokémon; Regice can use are Curse, Explosion, Icy Wind, Amnesia, Superpower, Ancientpower, Lock-on, Hyper Beam and Zap Cannon. Additional moves it can use include ones such as Blizzard, Ice Beam, Hail, Toxic, Focus Punch and Hidden Power.
When you catch Registeel at Ancient Tomb, it will be at level 40 and know Metal Claw, Curse, Superpower and Ancientpower.