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No, the card Victory Dragon isn't present in the Yu-Gi-Oh! WC10 videogame.

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Q: Can you use Victory Dragon in Yu-Gi-Oh World Championship 2010?
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Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon appears as a Super Rare card in the "World Championship Edition 3" booster pack.

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Power Tool Dragon is not an available card or opponent in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Stardust Accelerator: World Championship 2009.

Will there be a yu gi oh world championship 2010?

Yes, There is or will be a Yugioh World Championship 2010.(It will propobly be 5'Ds). I think I't has a picture of Usei Fudo and Stardust Dragon on it.

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The official passcode for Dark Armed Dragon is 65192027. However, it is unavailable in the game "Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008". On the other hand, it is available in its successor, "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2009: Stardust Accelerator".

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It's not in any pack because it's not on 2010.

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If you have a deck that needs monsters sent to the graveyard like a lightsworn deck, then you might win.

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