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There is's called Feral Heart. It requires a download and is available for PC and Mac.

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Q: Is there a lion game like wolfquest if so what is the name?
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How do you spell the name of this forum and game wolfquest backwards?

WikiAnswers spelled backwards is srewnaikiw. Wolfquest spelled backwards is tseuqflow.

Who has any old WolfQuest pass and user name for open game?

moontribe and goldenpack

What is the pack password for WolfQuest?

well they would tell you the password for the game and you type that in the name and your user name and password and your in

How do you delete a saved game on wolfquest?

Go into your libaries and type in wolfquest then you should see the name (s) of your saved game. Delete the one tht u dont want. Then go into your recycle bin and delete it off of there then tht game will b gone of of your game.

What is the Wolfquest 2.5 site called?

The game title is "WolfQuest: Survival of the Pack". There wasn't any change to the website's name, as it remains "WolfQuest". The team didn't create a new website or anything of the sort due to costs and upkeep.

Wolfquest- Whats a name and password for the multiplayer game that is going on right now?

You should look for a game in the official forms (link below). A site like WikiAnswers should not be relied upon for constantly-updated information like that.

Can any one give me their wolfquest password and wolf pack name for a private game?

EpicWolfGirl Pass:112299123

What is the lion home name?

What would you like to do? What is the lion home name? Answer this question…

What do i do if it doest let you save your game after you get a mate on wolfquest?

if you want to save game you press ESC then press SAVE GAME and write the file you want to name it and press LOAD! HOPE I HELPED YOU :) :) :) :)

Who is no name from WolfQuest?

In wolfquest you cannot name your wolf your name it has to be another name ect. dusk or ice. If you name it your real name or a real name ect. Kevin or Steve. It will show up as *NONAME* (found this out on my own)

Why can't I eat in wolfquesT?

maybe your computer insn't working or mabye the game just insn't working report this to i don't no the name that well

Is there a lion quest game?

i wish there was but it doesn't seem likely, i think it would be nice to make a game with lions a bit like wolf quest, unless its not what u mean by that but i assume its about finding wolf-quest like games. i looked for one every where but all i found was a group of websites with lion in there name