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You should look for a game in the official forms (link below). A site like WikiAnswers should not be relied upon for constantly-updated information like that.

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Q: Wolfquest- Whats a name and password for the multiplayer game that is going on right now?
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How do you stop your wolf from going in circles when you stop in WolfQuest?


What are some wolfquest glitches?

1. Jump and when you land quickly play bow or howl 2. In single player, to get away from your mate do the walk-howl glitch. Your mate will be to busy howling. 3.when you enter a multiplayer game press the chat button. You'll be going at goddspeed, and this also works with when you die! I could list more but my fingers are aching :)

When is WolfQuest 3 coming out?

WolfQuest 3 hasn't been mentioned at all yet, but the WolfQuest team is currently working on WolfQuest 2.5 which is definitely going to come out before 2011. As the WolfQuest Coordinator said, "There is no episode 3"3Well there is not a wolfquest 3 coming I WANT ONE TO!At first the WolfQuest team did not exactly know when it would be done ,but now after all those months they thought it would be done the wolfquest team says,"It will hopefully be done on or before August!"Also if you're wondering what will be in it there are going to be midnight,snow,dawn,day,sleep,sit,bears and bear cubs,deer,elk,moose,rain,lightning (and when lightning strikes a tree it will catch on fire o.o),you can be an adult OR a pup!,your old pups will grow up and become adults that help you with your NEW PUPS and hunting,and new pups as just said,and wolverines,eagles,and the elk and deer I believe will try to kill your pups.This is all I really know so far.You can add me on wolfquest name is CinderTheDragon or LKJHG (Ya LKJHG was a crappy name lol)So, I hope this helped and I hope I see you all on WolfQuest 2.5 coming out on 8/1/11 or before! From: CinderTheDragon =3 Peace! :3

Can you play Tom Clancy's EndWar online?

yes it is going to be a very popular multiplayer game

Whats the next xbox going to be called After the 360?

Xbox 720

Related questions

When are they going to make the 3 edition of wolfquest?

It is unknown if there is going to be another WolfQuest game, due to funding.

Is WolfQuest 2.5 going to have cougars and bison?

2.5 has actually already come out, there are no cougars or bison in it; the only things added were weather, time of day, I Need a Rest, and a few little things like capitalization in the beginning of a sentance on multiplayer and the ability to have the 'dings' off in multiplayer.

When is the wolfquest 3 coming up?

It is unknown if WolfQuest 3 is even going to be coming out.

Does anybody have a WolfQuest username and password for me to use?

... I suggest, just creating your own account. You can create your own account by going on, scroll down, and click "Go to Forum Registration".

Is there a wolfquest 2.5?

wolfquest will come out in September or October. i can not wait yes there is going to be one. there is going to siting and sleeping. snow sunrise and sundown. its going to be awesome. we will have to wait for it to come out before we get all the information. your wolfquest player shadow/crystalbethany/Emma

Is there going to be another episode of wolfquest?

yes, episode 3

How do you stop your wolf from going in circles when you stop in WolfQuest?


Is dead space 2 going to have a multiplayer?

Yes it will have Online Multiplayer

Is there going to be wolfquest 3?

There are no current plans for making a 3rd episode.

Is WolfQuest going to be released on iPad if so when?

It is currently unknown if WolfQuest will have a new version or come out on other platforms besides the PC, due to funding.

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When is wolfquest 3 going tobe out?

I heard that it's going to be out March 11 2011, but i am not completely sure.