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Q: How do you stop your wolf from going in circles when you stop in WolfQuest?
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How can you download wolfquest 2?

You can download wolf quest 2 by going on wolf

How do you locate a pack in WolfQuest?

Look on the Map, it's the pink circles. If you want to find a wolf, go on scent mode and follow the yellow dots in the wolf territory

What is a slough wolf in wolfquest?

natasha is the wolf god

How do you get a Speclmen male wolf on Wolfquest?

well go to all the pink circles on the map then go back to one pink circle and battle the wolf (WHEN YOU FIND IT) if its a speclmen wolf and its a male there you go if its a diffrent wolf like druid wolf or somthing like that then go away from it and come back there shold be a diffrent one there online my username is MissCaitlin2005 WITH THE CAPS password is: caitlin. Hope i helped you out :D have a good game of wolfquest :)

What color is a scent form of a wolf in WolfQuest?

The wolf scents are yellow.

How do you describe in WolfQuest?

You describe a wolf by warwick.

Who is CloudDancer on WolfQuest?

clouddancer? its a user wolf

Where do you log in on wolfquest?

go to wolfquest .com type in wolf quest register and wa la!!!!!!!!

How do you do the albino pup cheat on WolfQuest?

Well I will tell you but if I was you look up on You Tube: Albino pup cheat wolfquest. Here is how you do it: 1) Find a mate 2) Go (when you have a mate) up to a week wolf (not a strong wolf) and fight it. When you win it gives up you may say "leave now!" or "get going!" The wolf will say (maybe) "I can take a hint!" (or what ever you know...) as soon as the wolf stands up click Esc on your key bored. Then go on "Pack States" and you will see your points rise. When they get over 5000 points SAVE! then your wolf will run a round in circles, just click Esc and then close it. Then start new game and there you go!

How do you get lots of exp on wolfquest?

First, run into a stranger wolf and make it go into submission. When it indicates it want s to leave press the escape button then go to pack stats. Exp will go up. When you resume game, your wolf will probably spin in circles. All you have to do to stop it is press escape then hit resume game. P.S. This worked on my computer, but it might not on yours.

What are some good wolf games for kids under 12?

WolfQuest is a good game for kids under 12, I used to play it and well you get to be a wolf and have a life like a wolf. You should try Wolfquest

Is there any other free wolf game out there?

All that i know is wolfquest where you play as a wolf in Yellowstone national park, wolfhome where you are a 2D werewolf, and wolf team where you can be a werewolf or a soldier and you download it wolfquest too