In wolfquest you cannot name your wolf your name it has to be another name ect. dusk or ice. If you name it your real name or a real name ect. Kevin or Steve. It will show up as *NONAME* (found this out on my own)
the sheeps name is Timmy,the ducks name is Yabba,the pigs name is Paxton,the dogs name is Ruffy, the cats name is Mittens,the skunks name is Stripey,the baby owls name is Otus, the porkipines name is Apricot, the foxs name is Finlay,and the goats name is Kid.
a maiden name is a last name that you had before you where married
its name is Gnasher! :)
An indexer can modify the name field by highlighting the existing name and typing in a new name.
Her Middle name is Dakota. Her First name is Hannah. Hannah Dakota Fanning.But She is called by her Middle name Not First Name
WikiAnswers spelled backwards is srewnaikiw. Wolfquest spelled backwards is tseuqflow.
Here's a link to a good name generator.
You have a mate.
WolfQuest is absolutely free. You can download it at the WolfQuest website.
The game title is "WolfQuest: Survival of the Pack". There wasn't any change to the website's name, as it remains "WolfQuest". The team didn't create a new website or anything of the sort due to costs and upkeep.
yes i think you can by contacting them and giving the name you want
It is already...actually... WolfQuest 2 and WolfQuest 2.5 are available for download now.
You can not download previous versions of WolfQuest. But, you can download the latest, WolfQuest 2.5! It can be found on WolfQuest's website(
There is only 1 wolfquest quest in wolfquest episode 1 but in wolfquest episode 2 coming this December 2009 there will be multiple quests!
well they would tell you the password for the game and you type that in the name and your user name and password and your in
You are not able to get previous versions of WolfQuest.
WolfQuest can!