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The game title is "WolfQuest: Survival of the Pack". There wasn't any change to the website's name, as it remains "WolfQuest". The team didn't create a new website or anything of the sort due to costs and upkeep.

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Q: What is the Wolfquest 2.5 site called?
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When will WolfQuest 2.5 be released?

It's out!But i cant get on the site :'(

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Sadly, in wolfquest 2.5 you can only have 1 litter before you beat the game when you travel to the summer sden site.

How do you get wolf quest 2 download site?

you don't it is on the actual wolfquest

What site do you go on to dowload wolfquest 2.5?

Is midnight pass real?

There is another version of WolfQuest coming out, but it will be in September 2011. I don't think it's called Midnight Pass, but it does have night and day, sleeping actions and call kinds of awesome stuff, I just don't know what it's called! But in September 2011 you can download it from the WolfQuest site.

Is there a game called horse quest?

No, but there is a site called HorseQuest, which by the looks of things, buys and sell horses etc. Do you mean like WolfQuest? No. But there is a game called "Whoa-Horsie" that should be coming out soon.

Is there a pack on wolfquest called Blue Bloods?

Blizzard Wind (CodyTheWolf on wolfquest) owns the pack called Blue Bloods. This is the pack website:

Is there a WolfQuest 1?

yes, it's called Amethyst Mountain and you have to complete it before you can play WolfQuest 2, Slough Creek

How do you get to the WolfQuest site?

well you go onto google and type in Wolf Quest and it should appear =)

Do you have to pay for WolfQuest 2?

No, its a free download site!! ;-)Nope, Wolf Quest is 100% free.

How do you get an account on WolfQuest?

To get a account on WolfQuest, access their site and press the download button (if you already hadn't) Then you go to the community page and click register. It takes about 1 or 2 days but it's worth it!