WolfQuest is absolutely free. You can download it at the WolfQuest website.
You can not download previous versions of WolfQuest. But, you can download the latest, WolfQuest 2.5! It can be found on WolfQuest's website(wolfquest.org)
To join WolfQuest, you have to make an account, fax your information and then mail it to the poeple who make wolfquest.
I'm probably not much help, :), but it takes a while to make a 3d video game, so probably a while before it comes out(of it comes out) lol I'm a wolfquest fan too!it depends. It takes money to create a game, and right now, wolfquest just doesn't have the money. I suppose we will just have to be patient. You can always read more at the wolfquest website though.
WolfQuest accounts do not expire.
WolfQuest is a free game, you don't have to pay anything to play.
WolfQuest is a free download, also, 2.5 hasn't come out yet, it's expected to be out in late September.
It is already...actually... WolfQuest 2 and WolfQuest 2.5 are available for download now.
You can not download previous versions of WolfQuest. But, you can download the latest, WolfQuest 2.5! It can be found on WolfQuest's website(wolfquest.org)
There is only 1 wolfquest quest in wolfquest episode 1 but in wolfquest episode 2 coming this December 2009 there will be multiple quests!
You are not able to get previous versions of WolfQuest.
WolfQuest can!
wolfquest is completely free
WolfQuest is only available for the computer. Perhaps one day, if enough funding, the WolfQuest admins will consider making WolfQuest available for other systems.
You can now have puppies in WolfQuest, since WolfQuest: Survival of the Pack was released on 1st January 2010.
No, it is not possible to play as pups in single player or multiplayer. Keep in mind that WolfQuest is a realistic and educational game. There would not be much to do during this life stage.