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YES! There is FeralHeart You get a mate, and it's all multiplayer. but it's like wolfquest you have to create an account on the site or you Can't play! but on the animals... your choice Wolf or lion. best of all you can chat! so it's like wolfquest's multiplayer side.

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Q: Are there any other games like Wolfquest where you be a wolf that is downloadable online and 3D?
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Are there other Quest games like WolfQuest?


Are there any online animal survival games?

well you have: wolfquest its with wolves and you have i,predator its a game where you are prey or predator and you have to survive.. its an online game so your against other people..or you work in a team. hope i helpt!

Are there any games that the makers of Wolfquest made but with other animals?

No, but there is "Feral Heart".

What are some free wolf simulation games other than WolfQuest? =]

Are there other 3D games like feralheart and wolfquest?

theres Endless forest...

Are there other awesome wolf games like WolfQuest?

yes if you go on google and type animal games-wolfs

Can WolfQuest be played in other states?

WolfQuest can be played in other states, though, you must know English, for that is the only language WolfQuest has.

Are there any games like wolfquest where you are a fox?

Not that I'm aware of. The WolfQuest Team has no plans (and no longer any funding resources) to focus on other "animal" quest games (example: FoxQuest) at any given time in the future. Due to a recent announcement, there will no longer be any WolfQuest development and - consequently - no possibility of future animal quest games from the same team.

What other lion simulation games are there besides lion and impressivetitle?

Feralheart is fun. You can play a wolf/dog or a lion on it. Free and online too. And if you are looking for a wolf stimulation game at all, there is Wolfquest. Pretty awesome. (

Is there a online game where you can be a animal or pet?

In WolfQuest, there is an online mode where you can play in a private or open room with other people. Another animal game is called Jade wolf, and it too, is online. :)

Are there any free mmorpg games where you are a dragon or other mythical creature?

there is a game called istaria but its a downloadable

What is a non downloadable online f2p game other than runescape? just like runescape but better