No, a fusion between Goku and Yamcha would probably make Goku weaker.
But if they fused while Goku was a kid, it might be pretty cool. Goyam or Yamku or Goya (FAIL) lol.
Yamcha and bulma get together right after goku turns into a great ape in i think ....Episode...... 10
Potara Fusion
goku's not dead, he just went to other world to fight janemba with pikkon. vegeta is though, because the fusion reborn movie is set when goku has to go back to other world and leave goten and the others to piccolo for fusion training. the movies always change and are not that important to the original anime story.
goku and then piccolo continues to teach them after goku runs out of time on earth and has to go back to the other world.
No because even though he never knew his brother after a few years, Yamcha is not Goku's brother
Yamcha and bulma get together right after goku turns into a great ape in i think ....Episode...... 10
us goku yamcha and picclio
Yamcha is a longtime friend and ally of Goku, though he was once a notorious bandit. He is sometimes accompanied by Puar, his devoted cat companion. Yamcha has a great fighting spirit.
He is the older brother of Choazu, a friend of Krillin, Yamcha, and Son Goku. He is powerful but weak when compared to Goku.
Yamcha, Krillin, and Roshi, probably.
Potara Fusion
You have to win on 3 star difficulty in the Yamcha Games. And yes, Fasha is Goku's mom.
Tien and yamcha fusion in the game dragonball budokai 2 or 3. He looks like yamcha except he has 3 eyes and new clothes
Goku and Vegeta fuse into Gogeta through the Matmorese art of fusion (fusion dance).
The Z fighters are all the characters from DB like Yamcha, Tien, Krillin, Goku, and all them