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goku's not dead, he just went to other world to fight janemba with pikkon. vegeta is though, because the fusion reborn movie is set when goku has to go back to other world and leave goten and the others to piccolo for fusion training. the movies always change and are not that important to the original anime story.

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Q: Why are Goku and vegeta dead in fusion reborn?
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How did chichi have goten if Goku was dead?

that's not the answer. they expect you not to think about that when you watch the series by the way this is off topic but vegeta is not a only child he has a brother named tarble you can find him in the tarble movie worng dude goku get it on with chichi befor he lift chichi was fat in bojack on bunnd she had goten befor goku soon after goku died goku get it on with befor he died

During the fight with buu was goku alive?

During the fight with Buu, Goku was dead.

What are all Dragon Ball Z and gt power levels?

SAIYAN SAGA Turtle 0.001 Farmer with the shotgun 5 Raditz 1,200 Master Roshi 139 Chiaotzu 145 Krillin 206 Goku 330 W/o weight 600 Piccolo 300 w/o weight 500 Baby Gohan 710 Piccolo (Special beam cannon) 900 Goku kamehameha 1,000 Enraged Baby Gohan 1,130 Special Beam cannon Final 1,440 Chiaotzu 1,150 Saibamen each 1,200 Yamcha 1,250 Krillin 1,350 Tien 1,600 Kid Gohan 1,900 Destructo Disk 2,000 Piccolo 2,000 Kid Gohan Masenko 3,000 Kid Gohan Healed 2,800 Nappa 4,000 Goku (supress) 5,000 Goku (powerup) IT'S OVER 9000 Goku kaioken 13,000 Vegeta 16,000 Vegeta (powerup) 16,000 Goku Kaiokenx2 16,000 Goku Kaioken x3 kamehameha 33,000 Galick gun 35,000 Vegeta great ape 180,000 Kid Gohan great ape 40,000 Freeza saga Kid Gohan 13,000 Krillin 12,000 Guru Change 27,000 Vegeta 44,000 Recoome 49,000 Burter 51,000 Jeice 52,000 Guldo 28,000 Captain Ginyu 120,000 Goku 65,000 Kaioken 180,000 Ginyu (in Goku body) 23,000 Goku injured 21,000 Frieza 1st form 530,000 Frieza 2nd form 1,060,000 Vegeta 135,000 Vegeta fullpower 530,000 Nail 42,000 Kid Gohan 85,000 Enraged 1,000,000 Krillin 67,500 Piccolo (Fused with Nail) 800,000 Piccolo (Fused with Nail) w/o weight clothing 1,200,000 Frieza 3rd form 2,650,000 Kid Gohan enraged 2nd time 2,500,000 Frieza final form 25% 4,200,000 Vegeta (Recovered) 1,600,000 Goku 320,000 Frieza final form 50% 6,400,000 Goku kaioken x 10 3,200,000 Goku kaioken x 20 6,400,000 Frieza Final form 75% 8,400,000 Spirit Bomb 10,000,000 SSJ Goku 17,000,000 Frieza 100% 16,000,000 Cooler movie Cooler 4,000,000 Goku 4,000,000 Cooler final form 17,000,000 SSJ Goku 20,000,000 Kid Gohan 1,000,000 Krillin 600,000 Vegeta 4,000,000 Yamcha 550,000 Tien 500,000 Piccolo 3,500,000 Trunks supressed 5 SSJ Trunks 18,500,000 Mecha Frieza 13,000,000 King Cold 14,000,000 Goku 5,000,000 SSJ Goku 21,000,000 Return of the Cooler Gohan 5,500,000 Krillin 4,000,000 Piccolo 7,000,000 Goku 5,600,000 SSJ Goku 24,000,000 Vegeta 5,800,000 SSJ Vegeta 26,000,000 Metal Cooler 38,000,000 Android battle Gohan 6,000,000 Krillin 4,500,000 Piccolo 8,500,000 Yamcha 2,800,000 Tien 4,000,000 Goku 6,500,000 SSJ Goku 26,000,000 Goku heart attack 5,000,000 Android 19 10,000,000 Vegeta 7,000,000 SSJ Vegeta 28,000,000 Energy drained 25,000,000 Trunks 5,800,000 SSJ Trunks 22,000,000 Dr Gero 5,000,000 Android 17 36,000,000 Android 18 36,000,000 Android 16 45,000,000 SUPER 13 Android 15 22,000,00 Android 14 19,000,000 Android 13 29,000,000 Goku 7,200,000 SSJ Goku 29,000,000 Vegeta 7,600,000 SSJ Vegeta 30,000,000 Piccolo 38,000,000 Trunks 6,500,000 SSJ Trunks 24,000,000 SSj Goku spirit attack 70,000,000 Piccolo Fused with kami 38,000,000 Cell 36,000,000 Cell (After absorbing Humans) 45,000,000 Imperfect Cell 67,500,000 Super Vegeta 85,000,000 Super Trunks 80,000,000 Perfect Cell 130,000,000 Ultra Trunks 120,000,000 Ultra Trunks fullpower 140,000,000 Broly Movie Vegeta 22,000,000 SSJ Vegeta 105,000,000 Trunks 22,500,000 SSJ Trunks 110,000,000 Goku 25,000,000 SSJ Goku 120,000,000 Gohan 20,000,000 SSJ Gohan 110,00,000 Piccolo 100,000,000 Brolly 34,000,000 SSJ Brolly (calm) 120,000,000 SSJ Brolly 150,000,000 LSSJ Brolly 210,000,000 Goku Mega Fist 240,000,000 Cell Games Perfect Cell 140,000,000 SSJ Goku 120,000,000 Power up 130,000,000 SSJ Teen Gohan 110,000,000 Power up 140,000,000 Perfect Cell (Senzu) 150,000,000 Cell jrs (Each)140,000,000 SSJ Vegeta 110,00,000 SSJ Trunks 115,000,000 SSJ2 Teen Gohan 340,000,000 Cell (Fullpower) 200,000,000 Cell (Bulky) 230,000,000 Imperfect Cell 67,000,000 Cell Perfect (Zenkai) 320,000,000 SSJ2 Teen Gohan (Injured) 260,000,000 Cell Kamehameha 360,000,000 Gohan Kamehameha 320,000,000 Father-Son Kamehameha 400,000,000 Bojack Unbound SSJ Vegeta 115,000,000 SSJ Trunks 120,000,000 SSJ Gohan 150,000,000 Bojack 155,000,000 Bido 110,000,000 Bujin 120,000,000 Bojack (Transformed) 230,000,000 Goku (Dead) 45,000,000 SSJ2 Teen Gohan 360,000,000 Zangya 115,000,000 SSJ Goku 225,000,000 Kamehameha 300,000,000 Super Kaioken 337,500,000 Super Perfect Cell 320,000,000 Pikkon 325,000,000 Return of Brolly SSJ Brolly 200,000,000 SSJ Goten 80,000,000 SSJ Gohan 160,000,000 SSJ2 Gohan 275,000,000 SSJ Goku 280,000,000 Lssj Brolly 300,000,000 Buu Saga Spopovitch 10,000,000 Goten 16,000,000 SSJ Goten 80,000,000 Kid Trunks 17,000,000 SSJ Kid Trunks 85,0000,000 Videl 165 Yamu 10,000,000 Supreme Kai 250,000,000 Kibito 220,000,000 SSJ2 Gohan 275,000,000 Dabura 275,000,000 Fat Buu 380,000,000 SSJ2 Goku 360,000,000 Majin Vegeta 355,000,000 SSJ3 Goku 465,000,000 Fat Buu 380,000,000 Pure Evil Buu 400,000,000 Super Buu 415,000,000 Gotenks 260,000,000 Super Gotenks 325,000,000 SSJ3 Gotenks 420,000,000 Gohan 50,000,000 SSJ Gohan 220,000,000 Gohan with the Z-sword 350,000,000 Mystic Gohan 470,000,000 Piccolo 180,000,000 Super Buu (Gotenks Absorbed) 520,000,000 Super Buu (Piccolo Absorbed) 420,000,000 Super Buu (Gohan Absorbed) 560,000,000 Vegito 600,000,000 Super Vegito 720,000,000 Janemba Movie Janemba 380,000,000 Goku 56,000,000 SSJ Goku 280,000,000 SSJ3 Goku 465,000,000 Janemba Final Form 525,000,000 Vegeta 57,000,000 SSJ2 Vegeta 365,000,000 Fat Gogeta 135,000,000 Super Gogeta 650,000,000 Kid Buu 560,000,000 SSJ Goku 300,000,000 SSJ2 Goku 410,000,000 SSJ3 Goku 500,000,000 SSJ2 Vegeta 400,000,000 Spirit Bomb 550,000,000 Super Spirit Bomb 610,000,000 Hildegarn - Movie SSJ3 Goku 500,000,000 Mystic Gohan 500,000,000 SSJ Goten 90,000,000 SSJ Trunks 95,000,000 SSJ3 Gotenks 445,000,000 SSJ2 Vegeta 400,000,000 Hildergarn 580,000,000 Hildergarn 660,000,000 SSJ3 Goku Dragon Fist 725,000,000 10 year later Goku 90,000,000 Kid Uub 85,000,000

Does Goku die in dragonball gt?

Yes, when he asks final wish to shenron he sacrifies his life for sake of people. that is why his body gets destroyed. but his cloths remain there self . No one knows that goku is dead except for vegeta. thats why goku says 'shh' by shutting his mouth. and that is why when flies with shenron he say i haven't got this much tired in my life...he becomes a god like whom does'nt end up in heaven or hell

Is Future Goku dead?

Yes, Goku in Future Trunks' timeline had died of the heart virus that ravaged him.

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Who is stronger Janemba or Broly?

Janemba. Broly is only SSJ-Tier. Janemba is even stronger than Kid Buu. Kid Buu toe-to-toe with SSJ3 Goku, but against Janemba, Goku had a hard time against him.If SSJ3 Goku couldn't beat him, there's no way Broly can. Broly was dead before his began to fought him. Even if he is in the movie, Fusion Reborn, Ultimate Gohan, Vegeta, or Gotenks will owned Broly.

Which episode of Dragon ball z does vegeta and goku see that giant worm thing when Vegeta is dead?

That episode is called "Mind Trap," and when you use the link it is episode 259, but in the uncut version of DBZ it is episode 274.

Which fight do you have to go to get kid Goku?

bulma is bending down over a cliff and you have to push her off she screams if vegeta comes you smash him and shoot bulma but if baby comes your game is stuffed madder a fact if any of this happens your game is stuffed. and you get kid baby bulma dead and smashed vegeta not kid goku

Is ssj2 vegeta stronger than ssj2 gohan?

vegeta is stronger because vegeta trained in the hyperbolic time chamber for a long time and got very strong, by then he turned ssj2 and became even stronger. gohan is strong as a ssj2 but vegeta is the stronger one. when vegeta went majin vegeta he turned ssj2 for the first time.

How did chichi have goten if Goku was dead?

that's not the answer. they expect you not to think about that when you watch the series by the way this is off topic but vegeta is not a only child he has a brother named tarble you can find him in the tarble movie worng dude goku get it on with chichi befor he lift chichi was fat in bojack on bunnd she had goten befor goku soon after goku died goku get it on with befor he died

Is vegeta dead?

bad guy cause attack of the saiyans ends just after vegeta goes to his space ship to eascape earth but ifyour thinking of buying the game i recommend you will cause it starts a little before the piccolo jr saga and you play as 6 different people(yamcha goku tien gohan piccolo and krillin)

What episode does vegeta turn into vegeta jr?

he doesn't vegeta jr is his great great great and another great grandson and at that time vegeta is dead but he dies naturally

How do you get the dead Goku in Dragonball raging blast?

you cant get dead goku.... but unlock a halo and put that on him its the closest you will get.

How many times has Goku died?

Goku dies three times one with a special beam cannon by Piccolo,another one for transporting Cell's body to another world,and the last one by Omega Shenron in DBGT. Technically Goku died 4 times. By frieza and the other people you said. ( most people dont count this because he was revived with the nemecan dragon ball z)

Who is stronger kazuya or Goku?

goku dead serious goki im serious

Does King Vegeta ever threaten to spank Prince Vegeta?

You'll never now ,because King Vegeta s dead so you don't know

How did vegeta super saiyan 2?

he turned into super saiyan 2 when he turned into Majin vegeta by Babidi