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Janemba. Broly is only SSJ-Tier. Janemba is even stronger than Kid Buu. Kid Buu toe-to-toe with SSJ3 Goku, but against Janemba, Goku had a hard time against him.

If SSJ3 Goku couldn't beat him, there's no way Broly can. Broly was dead before his began to fought him. Even if he is in the movie, Fusion Reborn, Ultimate Gohan, Vegeta, or Gotenks will owned Broly.

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Q: Who is stronger Janemba or Broly?
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Who will win Lssj3 Broly vs Bills?

Bills.Proof: Akira stated that Super Saiyan God is stronger than a Super Saiyan 3. Means Super Saiyan God Goku is stronger than LSSJ3 Broly, Legendary or not, makes no difference.When Goku turns into a Super Saiyan 3 against Bills, Bills easily flicked him with a finger and he actually defeated him without even breaking a sweat. So if Goku, in his SSJ3 form, can't beat Bills, then there's no way Broly can have a better chance against him.(If you're one of those Broly fanboys going to justify Broly by claiming that his power's growing then it won't work and it's already stated because if Broly's power do grow, wouldn't he turn into a Super Saiyan 3 in the Movie 10, it's obvious)Not just him, even Ultimate Gohan, who is stronger than Super Saiyan 3 Goku can beat him.LSSJ3 Broly is only around Kid Buu Level, but only weaker. Kid Buu would able to beat him too.

Who would win in a fight goku or broly?

Depends on the version of superman you are using. but, i think the strongest superman could only match up to Goku super saiyan 2 anything under super saiyan 2 superman would win. And since Goku could go to super saiyan 4 GOKU WOULD WIN

What episodes of DBZ does browley appear in?

Broly does not appear in any episodes of DBZ or any other series.He does, however, appear in three of the DBZ movies. Broly - the Legendary Super Saiyan, Broly: Second Coming, and Bio-Broly.I'ts actually,Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan (Movie #8)Broly: Second Coming (Movie #10)Bio-Broly (Movie #11)

Broly vs. nine tailed fox?

Broly by far.Remember DBZ Characters can easily outclassed Ninjas, like Goku did to Murasaki.

Why is Broly angry over Goku?

Born on the same day, Broly was kept awake for hours and days by the cries of Goku. The two infants were housed next to each other, and even decades later Broly remembers Goku's cries and hates him because of it.

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Is Goku the strongest in dbz?

No,Broly is the one and on the other hand Janemba

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Hatchyack since Goku stated he's even stronger than Broly. But he's still around Broly's level, only little higher or more.

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No, Broly nowhere near Super Saiyan two,