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there are 3 methods to get shiny Pokemon.

theres the pokeradar, the marmuda method, and the RNG method (hacking).

the pokeradar method involves using the pokerardar (obtained from professor oak afetr beating the elite 4 and getting all 210 Pokemon in your dex), to chain Pokemon.

the pokeradar is quite detailed, but a good tutorial is available on YouTube.

i can get, on average, about 2 per night using this method.

the second method, the marmuda method, involves breeding Pokemon from different nationalities. when you do this, the game checks 4 times, instead of just once, to see if its a shiny, dropping the probability of a shiny from 1/8192 to 1/2098.

the setback is that its VERY hard to get one with the right nature. this is because everstones don't work when breeding different nationalities. in fact, you can use an everstone (which is normally used to pass on the mothers nature to the egg), to check whether Pokemon are from different nationalities by seeing if the everstone works or not.

synchronize (a Pokemon ability), gives you a 50% chance of finding a Pokemon with the same nature as the Pokemon with the synchronize ability (so long as the Pokemon with the synchronize ability is in the first slot of your party). NOTE: even a fainted Pokemon with synchronize still has this effect, so long as it is in the first slot of your party. this is also useful when chaining for a shiny of the right nature.

anyway, getting a shiny Pokemon with the right nature has the following chances:


1/2098 x 1/20 = 1/41960

normal encounters:

1/8192 x 1/2 = 1/16394

so as you can see, if you want one with the right nature, your best of trying to find one randomly.

it can take a while, but i spent over 2 weeks fishing magikarp over and over until i finally got my shiny magikarp. it was well worth it.

the third method is a true form of cheating, and is strongly looked down upon, as is ARing (action replaying).

its the RNG method, and involves figuring out your secret trainer ID, and using it to hack to RNG (random number generator) to get a Pokemon that's shiny, with the right nature and IVs of 31/31/31/31/31/31.

and it has a 100% chance of doing it.

however, in order to get your SID (secret trainer ID), you either need to:

1) catch a shiny randomly, and use its IVs to calculate your SID.

2) use an action replay

3) trade one of your Pokemon to someone with pokesav (another hacking device), and getting them to tell you your SID.

the true method if the RNG is very long and complex, but if you REALLY want to cheat and take the fun out fo the game, then just Google "RNG method".

youll find it soon enough.

hope this helps.

yes it does help i have been trying to get a shiny shinx for ages!!!!!!


To whomever wrote the long explanation about all the ways to get shinies. Very, very few people consider RNG Abuse cheating, it's using the game's mechanic to get a shiny. I'm sure you know what EV training, that's using the same principle. Manipulating the game's code to give your Pokemon better stats, there you go.

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