it depends, if you're talking AQWorlds, then no. Doomknight is not a permanent equip. Any other game, i really don't know. Sorry 'bout that...
you ask your mum to buy it <{
it is coming out this week but doomknight is for members only
You probably won't get it like that.
"i am legend" is to start off with 3000 kills "doom" is for laser cannon "pantheon" is to get god hand/lightsabre
It comes out this week(October 9th). Artix and Cysero said on Face Book :). It Member only and the second is Member and AC's.
yes when you buy it you can't sell it or destroy it.
where do u get the doom knight armour for aqworlds?
no you can only get it by buying the doom knight package
There is no doom slayer. you need to buy it
you first get the necrotic blade of doom then the doom knight helmet then the doom knight cape than the best of all the doom knight armor! it is awesome! hope this helps my dragon fable id is 37636005 lv 34 name is hydra :)
There is nothing like that.
You have to order it online
you ask your mum to buy it <{
it is coming out this week but doomknight is for members only
doom weapons palladium weapon icy weapons and more and destin weps
a doom knight is a neurotic and evil turned warrior who has been seduced by the dark side. The only way to become one is to be offered after at least a year with dragon fable, unfortunately i myself have been playing since the game began in 2006 and i have not been offered to become a doom knight, and yes you need a da to become one! My advise is don't get your hopes up just get death knight armour and a forsaken shadow reaper of doom which is the best shadow reaper.