what is the correct path to the overlord set in AQ
World of Warcraft, cabal online, knight online, adventure quest, adventure quest worlds. those are just a few I can think of right now.
you get it where you train to be a knight you go in the in up the stairs and talk to the guy who's up there and click train to be a knight hope this helps you
before you could just click on the todays event but now its gone am lost
You Must Have Upgrade Adventure Quest
The code is different with each action figure, there is no set code.
what is the correct path to the overlord set in AQ
Well are 4 base classes in adventure quest worlds healer warrior rougue and mage but are much more : pumpkin lord , doom knight (overlord*), paladin (highlord*),chaos shaper , necromancer, ninja , assassin, bard , chunin , elemental dracomancer , dragonlord, mech quest star captain , guardian , defender, undead slayer,arch fiend,alpha omega,Paladin Slayer*,deathknight and much more **... *: to be overlord or highlord or a paladin slayer u have to buy: a toy of Artix (to be a Paladin highlord) a toy of Sepulchure(to be a doomknight overlord) and two toys to be a Paladin Slayer(that is sort of an evolution of deathknight)
No. Don't Beg.
You have to be a level 5 knight and mage, then go to Paladin Order
DRagon fable, Adventure Quest Worlds, rune Scape, Kingdom of Loathing(not really, it is a browser based rpg), and(going out on a limb)MechQuest
World of Warcraft, cabal online, knight online, adventure quest, adventure quest worlds. those are just a few I can think of right now.
you get it where you train to be a knight you go in the in up the stairs and talk to the guy who's up there and click train to be a knight hope this helps you
I THINK you have to master the evil armours like necromancer, doom knight ETC....
before you could just click on the todays event but now its gone am lost
Black Knight and Dwakel.Black knight: Sell everything he dropsDwakel: Sell everything you get from the quests and all the monster drops
i don't like it anymore, so you can use my file. username:zacthebunnyhero password:dolphin