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the famas in mw2 was 3 round burst making it unpopular in the community however in black ops it is fully automatic and fires over 900 RPM

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Q: Is the FAMAS a 3 round burst?
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In COD MW2 which is better Famas or Scar H?

It really only depends on how a player uses his or hers weapon, but generally, the FAMAS is slightly better than the SCAR-H, since it is a three round burst weapon. The SCAR-H is a good automatic weapon to use that is also everyone's favorite.

What guns fires in a three round burst on call of duy black ops?

the m16 and the g11 are both three round burst guns on call of duty black ops

Why is the famas better than the aug statistically even though aug is unlocked 12 levels later than famas the only difference is that famas has one more point in accuracy?

I don't know, CoD just made it that way. The AUG could also come after the Famas because it has less recoil.

What does dmr stand for in halo reach?

Designated Marksmen Rifle. It is a single fire, headshot weapon with a 15 round clip. It is replaced by the Battle Rifle in Halo 2 and 3, which fires a 3 round burst. This gun is good at taking out just about anything when aimed for the head.

What is the best MW2 assault rifle?

The most powerful fully automatic assault rifle is the AK-47, but it is sometimes downgraded because of its low accuracy and slow fire rate. The most powerful burst fire assault rifle is the M16A4, it has good accuracy, high power and a high fire rate, however, it is a 3-round burst similar to the FAMAS, which is why it is sometimes downgraded. The SCAR-H is a powerful gun with high accuracy and range, but a debilitating slow fire rate. The TAR-21 is a powerful gun with mid-high damage and range, but a middling fire rate. The FAL is a very powerful weapon with a high accuracy and range, but a disappointing single-fire rate makes it not the best gun. The F2000 has a high fire rate and range, but is weak in both accuracy and fire power. The FAMAS is a very accurate and fast firing weapon but is low in damage. In my opinion, the M4A1 Carbine is the "best" fully automatic assault rifle in Modern Warfare 2, with its high accuracy, range and fire rate, with the addition of the Stopping Power Pro Perk, it is quite a powerful weapon. While the M16A4 is definitely the "best" 3-round burst fire assault rifle in the game. I hope this post has helped your decision.

Related questions

What is the best weapon modern warfare 2?

well.... i use the famas, tar21 acr, and ak47. the famas is a 3 round burst but it kills your enemy in two or three shots.

Is the m16 a 3 round burst?

yes and no the m16 veitnam was auto the one to day is 3 round burst

What round does an m16 shoot?

Depends mostly 3 round burst though can be fully aoutomatic mos accurate with da 3 round burst

Does the m16 have a 3 round burst?

Yes it does.

In COD MW2 which is better Famas or Scar H?

It really only depends on how a player uses his or hers weapon, but generally, the FAMAS is slightly better than the SCAR-H, since it is a three round burst weapon. The SCAR-H is a good automatic weapon to use that is also everyone's favorite.

Does the tippmann a-5 paintball gun have three round burst?

It depends if it has a electronic trigger and which board it has in it. If it's the stock version with out an electronic trigger, it proberly won't have 3 round burst. But see if you can find out if it has a electronic trigger and if that has the 3 round burst setting.

How do you get the famas on battlefield 3?

The FAMAS is the first unlockable assault rifle for the assault class. You can get it by completing the assignment "Best Friends Forever." Once you've done that you have the FAMAS.

M16a1 full auto or 3 round burst?

The M16A1 is fully automatic.

In COD Modern Warfare 2 are you able to use a FAMAS with a silencer and get 1 burst kills?

no it is not possible the silencer takes away the stopping power and wont kill in 1 burst unless you get a headshot.

Is the Halo 3 Assault rifle returning in Halo 4?

The 3 round burst gun from halo3.

Is the ACR on Call of Duty Modern Warfare Automatic or 3 Round burst?

Fully Automatic

Is 3 round burst or automatic better in MW2?

theyre all equal its just how you use them