yes it is worth leaving yourPokemon at the day care because it levels up and if you leave another of the same Pokemon but a different gender you get another one. You can also do the same with a dito but the other Pokemon does not have to be dito.
just leave a pokemon there.
If leave Pokemon in the daycare, they level up according to how much you travel. More travel = more experience. Also, if you leave two Pokemon (one boy and one girl or one undetermined) and they like each other, you'll find an egg.
They're just like any other Pokemon *couple*. just wait and get the daycare Pokemon app for your watch in the game.
pretty much nothing besides leave it in the daycare with another Pokemon to have them breed
No, you need to have the Pokemon in your possesion. For example, if you leave a, let's say Poochyena, in the daycare and it gets to Lv.18 (which is the level it normally evolves) it will not evolve. You would have to take it out and level it up by one and poof, Mightyena.
Yes. Any Pokemon that you leave at Pokemon Daycare to breed will be returned to you, as long as you pay the daycare fee.
He's in Nimbasa city,after saving him you will be able to leave 2 pokemon at the daycare
the pokemon daycare is on the left side of solaceon town, you can leave up to 2 pokemon there at a time Hope this helped :D
you can leave them in storage or in the daycare
depends on type of pokemon.
A Spiritomb.
You get a Dittatina
In Solaceon town there is a place known as the Daycare. At the Daycare you may leave two pokemon. If they are compatible, after a while the guy outside the Daycare will give you an egg.
just leave a pokemon there.
leave 'em in the Pokemon daycare. they should have an egg
Yes, you can breed Pokemon with ditto. Leave ditto with the other Pokemon in the daycare and eventually you will have an egg of the other ditto. If you wanted an egg of ditto though, I don't know but, I think you can leave two dittos in the daycare. You can not breed legendary Pokemon with ditto.
If leave Pokemon in the daycare, they level up according to how much you travel. More travel = more experience. Also, if you leave two Pokemon (one boy and one girl or one undetermined) and they like each other, you'll find an egg.