pretty much nothing besides leave it in the daycare with another Pokemon to have them breed
no you cant
any Pokemon can breed with ditto except legendary Pokemon and ditto. in other words, you can't breed a ditto with a ditto
I'm afraid you cant get a Ditto in Pokemon Sapphire. You can only get ditto in Emerald. However you can also get ditto in Diamond and Pearl.
YOUR SPELLING HER NAME WRONG!!!!! Its Harriet Tubman!! and he was a natural person that goes to the beach!! hes also an idiot.. american idiot!!!you got pwned badly... ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto
no you cant
The French word for Ditto is "Idem."
any Pokemon can breed with ditto except legendary Pokemon and ditto. in other words, you can't breed a ditto with a ditto
Nothing. Since a Ditto can no breed with another Ditto. They will produce no egg.
There are 12 starter babies in the Pokemon World To Get Bulbasaur Catch Ivysaur and a Ditto To Get Charmander Catch Charmeleon and a Ditto To Get Squirtle Catch Wartortle and a Ditto To Get Chikorita Catch Bayleef and a Ditto To Get Cyndaquil Catch Quilava and a Ditto To Get Totodile Catch Croconaw and a Ditto To Get Treecko Catch Grovyle and a Ditto To Get Torchic Catch Combusken and a Ditto To Get Mudkip Catch Marshtomp and a Ditto To Get Turtwig Catch Grotle and a Ditto To Get Chimchar Catch Monferno and a Ditto To Get Piplup Catch Prinplup and a Ditto
Yes you can breed ditto with any Pokemon and the baby is the Pokemon you have breeded ditto with.exapale;[ratta +ditto =ratta ][eevee + ditto =eevee]
yes Ditto are in Pokemon indigo, If you want ditto go to Pokemon locator then look for ditto in the Pokemon list find ditto name then click on it then is have the room for you to enter go on it then find ditto
wats is ditto line
Ditto can breed with everything.
no ditto is there