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Q: Can a ditto and a ditto lay an egg?
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Can a Pokemon that's a male lay a egg in platinum?

in this case you need a ditto ditto will lay an egg with almost anyone. but a male can not lay an egg.

In soul silver can feralligator have an egg with a Ditto?

Yes, Feraligatr can breed and lay an Egg with a Ditto however it'll be a Totodile Egg.

How do you make a Manaphy lay a egg?

You get him to lay eggs by putting him in the day care with a ditto. This will create a phione egg. You can catch a ditto on route 218, but you need a pokeradar

Can Rotom lay an egg?

yes it can you need 2 or a ditto

Can you breed Ditto with a female Pokemon?

The female Pokemon can lay an egg, which will be another of the mothering Pokemon, but there's no way to get a Ditto egg.

Can Froslass lay an egg in Pokemon diamond?

no it can't no it can't no it can't put in in the daycare with a ditto and they will have an egg

Can kabutops and Ditto lay an egg on Pokemon diamond?

yes as ditto is compatible with all Pokemon and the Pokemon it mated with will be the baby.

Will a Pokemon lay an egg if it doesn't like Ditto on Pokemon pearl?


Do male Pokemon lay eggs if you put a ditto in the day-care center in Pokemon diamond?

yes a male and a ditto in the daycare will yield an egg ,in fact any Pokemon in the daycare with a ditto will have an egg with the exeption of all ledgendarys but manaphy. Zacczz: & deoxys if a ditto & deoxys lay an egg it will be a random Pokemon.

How do you get your Pokémon to lay an egg on Pokémon black?

To get your pokemon to lay an egg you have to put 2 pokemon in the daycare.It has a better chance of laying an egg if you put Ditto in the daycare with the pokemon.

How do you get a Charmander egg?

You can put Charizard/Charmeleon with Ditto (The easiest way) in the Daycare and they'll lay a Charmander Egg.

Can Pokemon lay eggs?

Yes, most Pokemon bar legendaries, Ditto (with Ditto) as well Nidorina/Nidoqueen can produce an egg.