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ehh well it depends if you have a ditto then it will deffo lay an egg in a few mins but if you dont then u mightent be able to get an egg

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Q: How long does it take for a Pokemon to make an egg?
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How long does it take to make an egg in platinum?

Leave a female Pokemon and a male Pokemon in the day care for a long while and then look on your poke'tch day care thingy and there might be an egg Hope you get a egg

How long does and egg take to hatch in Pokemon Explorers of Darkness?

Depends on the Pokemon inside the egg.

How long dose it take for a Pokemon egg to hatch?

it counts what kind of Pokemon it is

How long does it take to hatch an egg in Pokemon?

I'm not really sure, but I know a Pokemon egg hatches once you take a certain amount of steps.

How many steps dose it take to hatch a Pokemon egg?

it Depends what Pokemon you breeded together to make the egg

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it will take 999999999999 steps to hatch a egg

How long does in take for Pokemon in Pokemon platinum to have eggs?

Not long mybe 500-2000 steps. Depends on the egg.

How long does it take a Pokemon egg to hatch?

you have to take 2500 steps or less depending on what Pokemon it is :'( ;P :P

How long does it take for a ditto and a garatina to make an egg or can they make an egg?

you cant make an egg with Garatina.

What Pokemon can make a egg on Pokemon Black and White?

just put a male pokemon and a female pokemon that are in the same egg group in the pokemon day care west of striaton city. it will take some time for them to make an egg but the day care man will call out to you once the pokemon have made an egg

How long does it take a Chansey egg to hatch in Pokemon Diamond?

pay me

How long does it take for ditto and hippodown to make egg?

U need to buy patience from a pok'e martIt depends on the level of the pokemon. The higher the level, the longer it takes to get an egg.