Sorry, but it is against the Jagex rules of play to lend out Runescape Accounts.
That's against the Jagex rules.
It's quite possible they will recognise the sudden switch in user (via IP address or something) and ban the account anyway.
I wouldn't bother. If you are unwilling to spend the time training your own account they you won't enjoy playing much after a little while.
You can't recover an account if you know only the password. If you know the account name but not the password, the account may be recovered in some cases. This is the same in RuneScape, or anywhere else. The main identification of any such account is the username. The password is only for verification (to avoid other people accesing your account - your game in the case of RuneScape, your e-mail for an e-mail account, etc.). Several people may have the same password, only the username is unique.
know one will give u that height lvl account but i have a lvl 20 interesting add darfighter =) lol
If someone wanted to get Runescape Treasure Trails there are a variety of places where someone can get them. Some of these places are tip, runescape, runehq and rsdo.
Yes, Jagex have made Runescape membership gift cards.
You can ask them.
No. This is against RuneScape's rules.
No, that is against the RuneScape rules.
This is a violation of Runescape's rules, and you may not ask for or provide individual account names, user names, or passwords for the benefit of another single Answers user. You may only ask and provide information about the games and the websites.
Answer please!
No, I'm pretty sure you can buy it yourself. If not, then ask for it from a relative because frankly this isn't allowed.
You can get a free account, registering on the official website (
You are aware that you can get banned by giving/receiving an account, right?
No one can give Runescape accounts to someone else. It is against the rules.
Sharing, Buying And Selling RuneScape Accounts Is Against Runescape Rules. You Will be banned once you get someone elses account. please don't get yourself banned... ... ... ...
Yea, they could.
No sorry, since it is against the jagex rules of play.
hardly the best place to be asking for someone else's account. the game kind of gets ruined if you take someone else's account, its not as fun