Carnivine is not in FireRed Version unless you do SuperHack9973. Then you would get level 181 Carnivine that looks like Bulbasaur.
He is on route 214. He is Pokemon collector Brady. He has carnivine.
you can find it in the great marsh
great marsh
You get a carnivine & go to the grass near snowpoint & make the carnivine use sweet scent.
in the anime it appears to be koffing or carnivine
Carnivine is a Grass type pokemon.
He is on route 214. He is Pokemon collector Brady. He has carnivine.
to me no
In Pokémon Diamond, there are Carnivine's in the Great Marsh. I know it for sure because i have one two!
Medicham is the final form of Meditite, which means it is only the second stage. Meanwhile, Carnivine can not evolve from or into any Pokemon.
you can find it in the great marsh
great marsh
You get a carnivine & go to the grass near snowpoint & make the carnivine use sweet scent.
no trainer has it try finding it in safari zone