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Q: What Pokemon in platinum Sinnoh Dex is number 131?
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What Pokemon is number 131 in the platinum pokedex?

In the normal pokedex #131 is Carnivine. the website has the sinnoh pokedex the one you start with. Hope this helped! :)

What Pokemon is 131 on the Sinnoh pokedex in Pokemon platinum?

Carnivine Route 212 South - Pokemon Ranger Taylor Route 214 - Collector Brady Victory Road B1F - Ace Trainer Henry

What Pokemon is 131?

in the national dex it is lapras and in the sinnoh dex it is carnivine

What is no 131 on Pokemon Platinum pokedex?

The Pokemon Lapras a water type Pokemon is the 131 Pokemon on platinum and can be found on Victory Road after getting past the guy standing in front of the doorway inside the cave.

Pokemon pearl in the pokedex what Pokemon are number 146 131?

146 = Moltres 131 = Lapras

What is number 131 in the platinum pokedex?

Number 131 is carnivine. This can be found in many spots. I found it in the safari area in pastoria city.

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What number is lapras in Pokemon Diamond?

National: #131

What Pokemon is 131 in diamond?

#131 in the National Dex is Lapras, caught in one of the back rooms in Victory Road by surfing. It only has a 10% chance of appearing. #131 in the Sinnoh Dex is Carnivine, which can be caught relatively easily in the Great Marsh Game in Pastoria City.

What is the national pokedex number for Lapras?

Lapras is #131 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water-Ice type Pokemon.

In Pokemon Pearl what Pokemon is 131 in pokedex?


What kind of number is 131?

131 is an odd number.