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You get a carnivine & go to the grass near snowpoint & make the carnivine use sweet scent.

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Q: Where do you find torterra in Pokemon Pearl?
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Where do you find fenzzyplant on Pokemon pearl?

you have to get a torterra to have frenzyplant

Where can you find torterra in Pokemon Pearl?

You can't, unless you have it as your starter Pokemon or if you use an action replay

Where is torterra in Pokemon HeartGold?

You can only get Torterra from Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.

When did torterra become a Pokemon?

In pokemon diamond and pearl

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How do you get a wild Torterra?

Migrate it from Pokemon Pearl Version. And remember that your friend must have a Torterra and not an Infernape or Empoleon.

How do you get your torterra to learn leaf storm in pokemon pearl?

Torterra can learn Leaf Storm at level 57.

Where are Turtwig and Torterra?

Turtwig is a starter pokemon in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, Torterra is one of the evolved forms of Turtwig.

Where can you see Torterra in Pokemon Pearl if you dont have that beginning one or your rival?

Poke Pal Park not a Torterra but a Turtwig.

What is the best grass type Pokemon besides torterra legendaries and roserade which is optional in Pokemon pearl for the Pokemon league?

sceptile he was like omg he pwned my torterra and swampert

Where can you catch torterra in Pokemon pearl?

you can pick one in the beginning of the game

In Pokemon pearl how do you get a torterra with seed bomb?

when the torterras balls drop