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trutwig evolves into Grotle then into Torterra

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Q: What is turtwigs second evoluion in Pokemon pearl?
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Can you catch turtwigs?

Sorry you can only get turtwig as a starter Pokemon in the begining of the game or have someone trade you a turtwig from their Pokemon diamond or pearl game.

In Pokemon Platinum Pearl and Diamond what Pokemon can you breed with a female turtwig at the day care to get more turtwigs?

there is none!!!(ps I've tried my self)But there is a rumor that if you place 2 mew2s together you can get mew3.

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where do you get the second master ball in Pokemon pearl

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accourding to the Pokemon diamond and pearl national pokedex, the second biggest Pokemon is steelix. in the sinnoh pokedex it would be onix. hope that helped -jenny333

How do you battle sirus in Pokemon pearl the second time?

wat do u mean

What can i do after completing Pokemon league in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

you can go back and catch: -azelf -Uxie -Mesprit and also a SECOND -Palkia and a SECOND -Dialga

Can you get a second soothe bell in Pokemon Pearl?

No, there's only one in Pokémon Pearl and Diamond. In Platinum, you can get two though.