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She is in Sandgem Town, in her house which is the second house below the Pokemon Centre. Everyday, she will tell you where different swarms of Pokemon are.

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Q: Where is Lucas sister in Pokemon Pearl?
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In Pokemon Pearl where do you find absol in Pokemon Pearl?

After you got bet the league,Go talk to Lucas's or dawn's little sister in her house in Sandgem town.Each day she'll tell you that Pokemon are gathering in a different place one Pokemon is Absol. natinal dex, then talk to lucas/down's little sis and she will say ther are a whole bunch of absol at rute 213

How do you catch a electrike in pearl?

in diamond and pearl it's rare. you have to go to dawn's/lucas's house and talk to dawn's/lucas's sister. she will tell you which route and which Pokemon you can catch, one time i caught delibird!, (back to subject) finding this Pokemon is like not breathing for 29 days, but sometimes you're lucky and you find it at you're first try. it's best to use pokerader if ya have it. p.s you have to have the national pokedex before you can talk to dawn's/lucas's sister.

How do you get cubone in Pokemon Diamond?

You can get it by talking to Dawn/ Lucas's sister in Pearl or Diamond. Each day they tell you a different species of Pokemon is swarming, and where to find it. The Pokemon changes each day, so Cubone will eventually be swarming, if it isn't today.

Where is Lucas sister in Pokemon Platinum?

sangem town there shouldbe a mailbox next to his house it will sya lucas' house, go inside and there will be a little girl, that his sister!

Where do you get absol in Pokemon pearl?

To find Absol you must catch it in a mass outbreak. Talk to Lucas or Dawn's little sister every day to find out the mass outbreak that day.on route 213in the middle part of mt coronet

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How do you get vulpix in Pokemon pearl?

you can't unless lucas or dawns kid sister tells you:) writen by todde88=)

Where can you find rare Pokemon in pearl?

If you go to the TV in Dawn/Lucas' house or ask Dawn/Lucas' little sister she will tell you a rare Pokemon of the day. Or you can use your Pokeradar.

On Pokemon pearl you completed the shinnoh and the national pokedex but you still cant get the poke radar how is this?

ur game is glitched. wait. i dunno. i think talk to dawns sister. or lucas sister.

How do you get a swinob on Pokemon pearl?

well dawns or lucas' sister tells you what kind of Pokemon is swarming around sinnoh, so keep checking her everyday and if she says swinub go to the where there are swinub] ==

Can you get drowzee in Pokemon ruby?

no it is a kanto Pokemon

In Pokemon Pearl where do you find absol in Pokemon Pearl?

After you got bet the league,Go talk to Lucas's or dawn's little sister in her house in Sandgem town.Each day she'll tell you that Pokemon are gathering in a different place one Pokemon is Absol. natinal dex, then talk to lucas/down's little sis and she will say ther are a whole bunch of absol at rute 213

In Pokemon pearl how do you get a mew from lucas?

No, you do not. Not to be the bringer of bad news.

How do you catch a electrike in pearl?

in diamond and pearl it's rare. you have to go to dawn's/lucas's house and talk to dawn's/lucas's sister. she will tell you which route and which Pokemon you can catch, one time i caught delibird!, (back to subject) finding this Pokemon is like not breathing for 29 days, but sometimes you're lucky and you find it at you're first try. it's best to use pokerader if ya have it. p.s you have to have the national pokedex before you can talk to dawn's/lucas's sister.

Who is lucas in Pokemon Diamond and pearl?

Hi Lucas is the professers assistant. He has the third starter Pokemon (the one you or your rival haven't picked).

Where to find Cubone in Pokemon pearl?

Swarm on Route 203. Check the TV or ask Dawn/Lucas' sister in Sangem Town and they'll tell you if there is a swarm at that point.

What is a mass outbrake in Pokemon Diamond and pearl for Nintendo Ds?

its when too many Pokemon go to a place where they are never found. you need national sinnoh dex for this to happen. then talk to dawn's/lucas's sister

In Pokemon what is Lucas's little sister's name?

she doesn't have one.