Yes you can. You have to beat the game and at route 214 spring path will open and in the spring path there is a cave called Turn Back cave and somewhere in there will be Giratina.
well for me id say a shiny starly in Pokemon diamond is about a 50 50 chance unless you make ur starly shiny
Pokemon diamond
you cant be a Pokemon in Pokemon diamond
Pokemon 134 is Finneon in diamond
where are special key in Pokemon diamond where are special key in Pokemon diamond
i don't think you can without the Pokemon modifier code
pal park u will need a game boy Pokemon verson to trade then u can get to pal park
the only way that i know is if you have the Pokemon diamond ROM where you save the .sav file twice then trade off that game then overwrite the new.sav file with the old one
well for me id say a shiny starly in Pokemon diamond is about a 50 50 chance unless you make ur starly shiny
Route 30
You can find HM Strength south of Soleacon Town at the top of the Lost Tower. One of 2 ladies at the top gifts you with this.
Yes in shoal cave.
At celadon city.
On amazon the hand book is $7.99 the strategy guide is $19.22. At wall-mart the guide book is $19.96.
where there are Pokemon close to the level as your Pokemon
No, you will have to get it from Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum. Or you could just trade with a Generation V game (so far only Pokémon Black & White).
Pokemon diamond