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No, they're completely different hacks.

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Q: Is Pokemon crystal shard the same as shiny gold?
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Is there any shiny Pokemon in emerald?

Yes, but like on gold/silver/crystal versions you have to find them randonmly. there are no gift shiny Pokemon like the red gyarados

Will a shiny Pokemon hatch another shiny one if the parents are both shiny?

No the rate will not be increased, unless you are playing the old Gold, Silver, or Crystal with the shiny Ditto trick.

Where do you get a shiny stone in Pokemon Gold?

The Shiny Stone does not exist in Pokemon Gold, Silver and Crystal it was added when Diamond and Pearl came out and if you're referring to Pokemon HeartGold, the Shiny Stone can be found at the National Park and can be won if you come in 1st place in the Bug Catching Contest.

Is a shiny Pokemon powerfull then a not shiny Pokemon?

they have 20% higher stats than a normal pokemon. - This only applies for Gold, Silver and Crystal. In other generations, they have no different stats, only the colour is the difference.

What happens when you put a shiny Pokemon with a egg in Pokemon?

In the 2nd generation games (Gold/Silver/Crystal), the offspring will have a 1/64 chance of being shiny. In later generation games, the chance of getting a shiny offspring is the same as encountering a wild shiny Pokemon.

How you get shiny Pokemon?

it is Almost imposible to get shiny Pokemon without cheating. When you walk in grass patch or a place where you can find Pokemon you have like a 1 out of 1,000,000,000 chance to find a shiny Pokemon. I think also, in Pokemon gold, silver, and crystal you catch a gyarados that has been turned red by team rocket.

How do you get the golden magikarp?

A golden Margikarp is a shiny margikarp, and as with other shiny Pokemon, there is only a 1/1892 chance of getting a Shiny(golden) magikarp. Breeding a Shiny Gyarados or a Shiny margikarp with another shiny Pokemon THAT CAN BREED WITH GYARADOS/MARGIKARP may have a higher chance of breeding a shiny magikarp. You can also trade the shiny gyarados from Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal version.

How can use Pokemon shiny gold cheats?

fire red cheats do not work on Pokemon shiny gold

When will Pokemon shiny gold come out for th ds?

Pokemon shiny gold can be only be played on the computer

What map do you find shiny Pokemon on Pokemon RPG?

shiny Pokemon are randomly found anywhere from generation 2 (gold/silver/crystal) and up instead of a wild Pokemon ie any time you see a wild Pokemon theres an insignificantly small chance that it will be shiny. short answer: anytime anyplace anywhere

Is black Charizard stronger than a Charizard?

No, shiny and normal variations of Pokemon do not affect the strength, unless you're playing Pokemon Gold, Silver, or Crystal. In those games, the shiny Pokemon's stats were only increased by 10 each.

Can you catch the red gyrados in Pokemon diamond?

yes, but not the way it is caught in Pokemon Gold, Silver, Crystal, Heartgold, and Soulsilver. Shiny Pokemon are a 1:8192 chance in finding one.