If your legendary Pokemon run away in Shiny Gold, there is no way of retrieving them again.
the legendary Pokemon are different levels when you catch them. also in crystal there is a battle tower where when you beat it you can catch suicune without a masterball because you can battle him without him running away.
You do not need to use Repels to catch a shiny Pokemon. Shiny Pokemon are just like any other and using Repel will force them away like any other Pokemon. So every time you use Repel or anything that drives back Pokemon, you are repelling the chance of encountering a shiny Pokemon.
Because like every other legendary you only get 1 chance to get it so even if you run away you just gave up that chance to get it so that's why you must always save before trying to get a legendary pokemon.
Today, actually. They gave away one of the legendary trios.
You can't. They all run away and you have to run around the region to try to catch them. In the wild grass.
Depending. If you are giving away a Cresselia, if you want a higher lv. Pokemon or a higher lv. legendary in return, it might take a while for someone to trade with you on GTS. If trading with a friend, you might want to choose your favorite Pokemon, a Pokemon that is needed for your team, or even a shiny in return. In my opinion, no Pokemon is worth higher than another unless it's a shiny or a highly respected Pokemon, such as a legendary. Some people might disagree with me,but it's o.k. Everyone has different opinion.
you scare away the legendary pokemon and then leave
Well, that depends. if you want to battle with it, no. ifyou're offering it on the GTS, I guess so, if your talking moves, yes, I'm pretty sure that executor learns Egg Bomb or something sometime. I have a shiny executor but I think that execute looks cooler shiny than executor who is red and gold, which doesn't go together. I think this is how you spell executer, I'm not sure. ! Shiny Pokemon Freak P.S. If you need a shiny legendary I have all of them. Ill probably enter my Friend Code later.
the legendary Pokemon are different levels when you catch them. also in crystal there is a battle tower where when you beat it you can catch suicune without a masterball because you can battle him without him running away.
You do not need to use Repels to catch a shiny Pokemon. Shiny Pokemon are just like any other and using Repel will force them away like any other Pokemon. So every time you use Repel or anything that drives back Pokemon, you are repelling the chance of encountering a shiny Pokemon.
Catch a lot of rihorns, whether their shiny or not. If they're not shiny, run away. (press the buton) Eventually a shiny rihorn will show up and walah!
You must either get a masterball from team aqua base or game corner. Then you must fight a legendary and throw the masterball right away.
they roam around in the wild after you have done everything on the islands but they run away
you have a tough chance to catch a shiny but just go in the grass and you have about 1 in 8000 of a chance but good luckShiny Pokemon are extremeley rare to catch there is a 1 over 8192 chance of catching one. I remember i did a new game once and found a shiny poochyana and i managed to save game now ive got a shiny mightyana. But they are rare and if your'e really luck you might get one of the legendary Pokemon in shiny version but it's very very rare. Sorry again.
no because all Pokemon become shiny when you type it in heres a code 12068acb000046co it works it's awsome!
You can get a Sinnoh Legendary if you hacked your Arceus to be the same as the one given away at the movie event in Japan. If it's not the same, then it will not work.