the legendary Pokemon are different levels when you catch them. also in crystal there is a battle tower where when you beat it you can catch suicune without a masterball because you can battle him without him running away.
Deep in Mtt Silver. After obtaining all 16 badges and speaking to Prof. Oak.
No, you cannot trade between the two different versions because the Pokemon are different or the Pokemon know different moves that are not in red version. When they re-make gold and silver for DS there may be some way to trade between Pokemon fire red and leafgreen to the new gold and silver but I doubt it.
Yes it can. Using the Time Capsule in Gold and Silver it's possible to trade between Red, Blue, and Yellow.
it depends on the Pokemon that you have, i have pikachu and shocked everyone that stood in between me and the gym.
Deep in Mtt Silver. After obtaining all 16 badges and speaking to Prof. Oak.
You have to use the transfer pack and use the Ho-Oh you got in Pokemon Gold,Silver,or Chrystal. Neither him,Lugia,or Mewtwo can be used as rentals.
Not much difference, there are Pokemon only found in Gold and Pokemon only found in Silver. The other difference is that you get the Rainbow Wing from director in Gold and you get the Silver Wing from the director in Silver.
You have to use the transfer pack and use the Ho-Oh you got in Pokemon Gold,Silver,or Chrystal. Neither him,Lugia,or Mewtwo can be used as rentals.
There is no such thing as a silver wolf.
A Pokewalker works with both the Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver. There is no difference between the Pokewalkers given out with both versions.
There are various types of Pokemon. The Soul Silver version is in Japanese while there are other versions which are in different languages. This is the main difference.
no difference, except price.
silver u get lugia gold u get ho-oh then theres few amount of Pokemon u can only get in each version
stainless and silver is defferentbecouse silver is a colour and stainless are stains