In the 2nd generation games (Gold/Silver/Crystal), the offspring will have a 1/64 chance of being shiny. In later generation games, the chance of getting a shiny offspring is the same as encountering a wild shiny Pokemon.
If you do that the pokemon will have a egg.
Its not easy but its worth the try First get a Blaziken a Swampert And a sceptile at a level 100 trained legally without rare candy or any cheating device. Then get Groudon Kyogre and Rayquaza catched with a pokeball.(its hard yes) Then get a shiny Latias ( only latias) Then obtain all the gold symbols in The battle frontier with your Pokemon not traded. Then go to the daycare. The old man will give you an egg. Hatch it and from the egg it will hatch a shiny ditto. Put any Pokemon with this shiny ditto and the Pokemon in the egg will be shiny. Congratulations!!!
i think there is a way , but you have to have a shiny Pokemon to get it in shiny, or i don't know if you can put a shiny ditto so the Pokemon can come out shiny.Maybe you can put two shinys in the daycare and it will be a shiny Pokemon in the egg.I hope these ideas work:) I've tried breeding Shiny with Shiny, but it didn't work. It's just luck; you'll never know.
the you put in the daycare for a darkrai egg is a ditto
if its the egg you get from the traveler then it becomes a togepi but if you get it from the daycare it will be the Pokemon that you have put together in the daycare
Actually, You have a 1/8192 shot of getting a shiny egg.
you have to put a shiny carizard and shiny ditto if that dosent work put shiny charzard and ditto in the daycare.
Yes U put 2 shiny Pokemon in day-care and the Pokemon egg will have 1 in 64 chanse of being shiny (instaed of 1 in 8192)
If you do that the pokemon will have a egg.
You put an Electribuzz and a ditto in the dayCare, they will then breed and you will get an elekid egg
Nothing happens they get trained- both of them no giratina egg - no gender for the other Pokemon = no egg
yes you can put a shiny Pokemon in the pokewalker i put shiny suicune in mine but it wont look shiny. I put a shiny magikarp in mine, but can you catch a shiny Pokemon using the pokewalker, esp. Pokemon that cannot be caught anywhere else?
Its not easy but its worth the try First get a Blaziken a Swampert And a sceptile at a level 100 trained legally without rare candy or any cheating device. Then get Groudon Kyogre and Rayquaza catched with a pokeball.(its hard yes) Then get a shiny Latias ( only latias) Then obtain all the gold symbols in The battle frontier with your Pokemon not traded. Then go to the daycare. The old man will give you an egg. Hatch it and from the egg it will hatch a shiny ditto. Put any Pokemon with this shiny ditto and the Pokemon in the egg will be shiny. Congratulations!!!
put wax on it
All you do is catch a ditto and a vullpixand put them in the day care and if your lucky the egg will hatch in to a shiny vullpix.
Go to a Pokemon center to make space for the egg then go back and they will still be there.