yes you can put a shiny Pokemon in the pokewalker i put shiny suicune in mine but it wont look shiny.
I put a shiny magikarp in mine, but can you catch a shiny Pokemon using the pokewalker, esp. Pokemon that cannot be caught anywhere else?
Use the shiny Pokemon cheat code. That keeps the Pokemon that hatches shiny.
No, each Pokemon either has the quality of "shininess" or it doesn't. Evolving your Pokemon doesn't change this, meaning that evolving non-shiny Pokemon cannot result in a shiny Pokemon, nor can evolving a shiny Pokemon result in a non-shiny Pokemon.
I think a egg with a shiny Pokemon in it is a different color
If it hatches as a shiny pokemon, you will be able to tell by looking at it.
What makes a Pokemon Shiny is the result of three numbers; Trainer ID, Secret ID and the Pokemon's Personality value. These three numbers combine together in a math formula that decides if the Pokemon is shiny or not. The result is that it is a 1/8192 chance that a Pokemon will be shiny.
there not real dude Some Pokemon cannot be caught anywhere else, and if every Pokemon can have a shiny version or is that an old wives tale that I heard. So what is the answer possible or impossible?
You can't put a Pokemon in the pokewalker in Pokemon platinum, as the pokewalker was designed for only Pokemon Heartgold & Soulsilver.
The pokewalker. It's a pokewalker exclusive Pokemon
You can hold one Pokemon on the PokeWalker no more then that.
By unlocking the pokewalker route
You can only have one Pokemon on a pokewalker at a time
Its a Simple Question go to the main menu of the game and press connect to pokewalker and then press go for a stroll then choose one Pokemon from your PC and press connect on the pokewalker the Pokemon will be sent to your pokewalker
You do not need a Pokewalker to trade Pokemon. The DS has built-in wireless communications. The DS does not need the Pokewalker to trade Pokemon.
You start the game and on the title screen with the stuff that says start game and new game you scroll down until you see connect to pokewalker. Get your pokewalker. Press the middle button and wait. There will be a smile on the screen. You have to have a Pokemon in Bills PC box. Choose your Pokemon and press OK. Pick up your pokewalker and press the middle button when the SHINY black part is facing the DS CARD. It's really annoying, but you have to keep your hand still. I always put them so they're touching. Be patient and you will get to use your pokewalker!
first you go on the menu where it says connect to pokewalker then if you have any Pokemon in your p.o box ( Pokemon centre box) chose one and press connect (on the pokewalker) then it says conecting to pokewalker then it should be done.....
Yes as long as it is in your PC box you can choose one of any Pokemon you have to put in the pokewalker.