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By unlocking the pokewalker route

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Q: How do you get the rare Pokemon on the pokewalker?
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Related questions

What does buying the pokewalker with HeartGold do?

The PokeWalker allows you to walk with a select Pokemon from your copy of HeartGold and if you walk enough, you can capture extremely rare Pokemon (though not legendary).

How do you put Pokemon in the pokewalker in platinum?

You can't put a Pokemon in the pokewalker in Pokemon platinum, as the pokewalker was designed for only Pokemon Heartgold & Soulsilver.

Where can you catch a skitty in Pokemon SoulSilver?

The pokewalker. It's a pokewalker exclusive Pokemon

How do you put 3 Pokemon on a pokewalker?

You can hold one Pokemon on the PokeWalker no more then that.

Can you add more then one Pokemon to the PokeWalker?

You can only have one Pokemon on a pokewalker at a time

How do you put Pokemon on the pokewalker?

Its a Simple Question go to the main menu of the game and press connect to pokewalker and then press go for a stroll then choose one Pokemon from your PC and press connect on the pokewalker the Pokemon will be sent to your pokewalker

Can you trade in ss without a pokewalker?

You do not need a Pokewalker to trade Pokemon. The DS has built-in wireless communications. The DS does not need the Pokewalker to trade Pokemon.

What is the pokewalker in soul silver do?

For the Pokemon you transfered to your pokewalker from the PC box, each step you take equals 1 exp earned i believe. The Pokemon can only gained one level per walk though. Also, depending on the steps you take and what route you are on, you can play minigames with your watts to capture and collect rare Pokemon and items. You can also use your pokewalker to connect with a friend and receive an item. The pokewalker works the same for soulsilver and heartgold games.

How do you connect the pokewalker to Pokemon soulsilver silver?

first you go on the menu where it says connect to pokewalker then if you have any Pokemon in your p.o box ( Pokemon centre box) chose one and press connect (on the pokewalker) then it says conecting to pokewalker then it should be done.....

What are some tips to catch rare Pokemon in the pokewalker?

LOL! There are no special ways to get rare Pokemon in the pokewalker, its all about LUCK (you can increase your chances of getting something good by walking a few thousand steps). Although, you wont get a Pokemon like Ho-Oh or Lugia or Kyogre or Groudon e.t.c because those are legendarys and its impossible to get them in a pokewalker. P.S. Bring it to school just don't get caught keep it in your pocket and make sure to turn the volume down so no one gets suspicious.

Can i have any Pokemon in the pokewalker?

Yes as long as it is in your PC box you can choose one of any Pokemon you have to put in the pokewalker.

Where can you get the pokewalker from?

To get the Pokewalker, you have to buy the game that goes with it (because otherwise, the Pokewalker is useless), which is either Pokemon HeartGold or SoulSilver.