ArmA II is commercial work and therefore is not free. However, a free version of the game, titled ArmA 2: Free, was released that, although has no costs, has limited features compared to the full game.
you cant, exept if you download or create kinda blank map or something
you can play as a Reacon or Sniper in the ArmA 2 editor.
press the enter button on the num pad
unfortunately not. and its kinda logic because arma 2 free is a free version of the rael version of arma, and doesnt support addons. if you want to play dayz, you need to pay for it on steam or in stores.
No they cant arma 1 mods go with arma 1 arma 2 mods go with arma 2
Go on to their website or just search on google "arma 2 latest patch"!
you cant, exept if you download or create kinda blank map or something
No. you only need Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead
you can play as a Reacon or Sniper in the ArmA 2 editor.
No, ArmA 2 is only avilable on Microsoft Windows and there are no plans to release it on other platforms.
Yyes and no. While you are on a mission, there are no limits. Forget the objective and go where you want. But otherwise no. Missions only